Tom King 4/1/2011
VoIP, instant messaging, video conferencing Landline and mobile phone calling SMS, voic , online numbers Clients on computers, several phones and devices Product
2003 – founded by Swedish entrepreneur Niklas Zennström and Dane Janus Friis Software developed by Estonian developers behind KaZaA 2005 – purchased by eBay for $2.6 billion 2006 – 100 million users, client for Mac 2010 – eBay sells 70% of Skype to Silver Lake Partners History
2010 – Skype has 13% market share of international calls Q – 663 million accounts 3/28/11 – over 30 million simultaneous users History
Bought in 2010 for $2 billion, valued at $2.75 billion $740 million revenue (2009 est.) Money
Free instant messaging, voice chat, one-to-one video calls Pay-as-you-go plan from 2.3¢/min Subscription plans $2.99-$19.99/mo Skype Premium for group chats at $8.99/mo Skype credits for features such as SMS and WiFi access Money
Everyone Target Market
Various chat clients Various VoIP services Phone companies Google Voice Competitors
Cheap international calls Pay-as-you-go or subscription Free video calls Secret Sauce
Keep gaining international calling market share Look to add clients on more devices Lower prices to compete with Google Predictions