April 2010 March 2015 This Month: When a man camped out in a Salvation Army thrift store, it was just another routine day for the generous staff A quarter of a century ago, Canadians made a promise. Now, we need to keep it And more...
April 2010 Role Reversal When David Akers’ daughter was diagnosed with a tumour, the NFL star’s faith was tested as never before February 2015March 2015
April 2010 Escape From North Korea A simple piano started Michelle Jang’s journey to freedom and The Salvation Army March 2015
April 2010 This Month: Major Ray Harris explains how our ninth doctrine encourages faith Stefanie Collins had her education all mapped out, but God had other plans Can we accept uncertainty in the creation versus evolution debate, asks Major Kathie Chiu And more... March 2015
April 2010 Six Young Leaders to Watch From camping ministry to gang outreach, these youth are transforming the Army’s future March 2015
April 2010 Going the Distance How two Canadian corps are investing in a small community in Zimbabwe March 2015
April 2010 Intensive Care When hospital chaplain Major Violet Chaulk faced her own battle with cancer, she had to find a personal place of healing March 2015
April 2010 Pick Up Your Copy Today
April 2010 See Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead Learn about Isaiah and the valley of dry bones Join Jesus and His disciples for the Last Supper Complete the monthly Just Do It! challenge and win prizes Plus stories, puzzles, colouring, jokes and more! Just for Kids March 2015 This Month: