CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 White Badge Lesson 1 Knowing about Jesus (Spiritual Achievement 1) Knowing about Jesus (Spiritual Achievement 1)
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Colour the following pictures. WisdomStature In favour with God In favour with Man “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and Man.” Luke 2:52
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Match the 2 columns of pictures. Growing in Wisdom Growing in Stature Growing in favour with God Growing in favour with Man
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point: In the following boxes, think of how you would go about growing in the different areas. You may either write or draw. Growing in Wisdom
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point: In the following boxes, think of how you would go about growing in the different areas. You may either write or draw. Growing in Stature
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point: In the following boxes, think of how you would go about growing in the different areas. You may either write or draw. Growing in favour with God
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point: In the following boxes, think of how you would go about growing in the different areas. You may either write or draw. Growing in favour with Man
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Read John 11:1 to 12:17. Arrange the following pictures in the correct order. (People crying outside a tomb) (Mary and Martha tells Jesus about Lazarus’ death) Lazarus is very ill, and his sisters are taking care of him) (Jesus hugs Lazarus) (Jesus calls Lazarus to come out of the tomb) (Jesus talking to disciples, messenger comes with news)
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point: Why do you think Jesus wanted to raise Lazarus from the dead?
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point: What is compassion?
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 White Badge Lesson 2 Jesus has Compassion (Spiritual Achievement 2) Jesus has Compassion (Spiritual Achievement 2)
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Jesus shows compassion freely to us. Compassion in School Compassion at Home Compassion in Public Places In the following boxes, think of how you would show compassion to others. You may either draw or write your answers.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Crossword Puzzle Complete the crossword puzzle in Capital Letters. (2) W (1) O T (1) P (2) E (3) U (3) B (4) D Across These are the reasons why we have drill: 1.Drill helps us to get (1)______________ quickly. 2.Drill develops our physical (2)_____________ and (3)___________. 3.Drill teaches us to have the right (4)_________________________. Down These are the things you should do to prepare for a drill session: 1.(1)______________ the drill you’ve learnt at home. 2.Drink lots of (2)____________ before and after a drill session. 3.Inform your Officers before the session if you are (3)____________.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Crossword Puzzle Complete the crossword puzzle in Capital Letters. (2) W (1) O RGANISED T (1) P (2) E ND (3) U RANCE RRN AW C (3) B EARING TL (4) D ISCIPLINE C E Across These are the reasons why we have drill: 1.Drill helps us to get (1)______________ quickly. 2.Drill develops our physical (2)_____________ and (3)___________. 3.Drill teaches us to have the right (4)_________________________. Down These are the things you should do to prepare for a drill session: 1.(1)______________ the drill you’ve learnt at home. 2.Drink lots of (2)____________ before and after a drill session. 3.Inform your Officers before the session if you are (3)____________.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Crossword Puzzle Complete the crossword puzzle in Capital Letters. (2) W (1)ORGANISED T (1) P (2)END (3) U RANCE RRN AW C(3)BEARING TL (4)DISCIPLINE C E
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 White Badge Lesson 3 Stationary Drill (Physical Achievement 1) Stationary Drill (Physical Achievement 1)
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Basic Position Attention / SEDI-A Keeping the legs straight; heels together and feet turned out at an angle of 30 degrees; arms close to the side; hands clenched with the thumbs vertical and in front, behind the seams of the trousers. Stand straight with shoulders held back; head facing front; the back of the neck touching the collar; eyes open and looking in front just above their own level; mouth closed. From the position of attention, all other drills movements may be carried out
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Basic Position As you were / SEMULA Return to the original position before the last command was given DEDI-A (Side view)
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Basic Position Stand at Ease / Senang – DI-RI Place the hands behind the back, arms straight and pushed as far down as the body will allow without bending backwards. Place the right hand on the left hand, both palms facing outwards, with the thumbs interlocked and the fingers kept straight and close together. The position of the body remains the same as in the position of attention, except that the feet are placed shoulder lengths apart. The feet are turned out at an angle of 30 degrees.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Basic Position Stand at Ease / Senang – DI-RI Place the hands behind the back, arms straight and pushed as far down as the body will allow without bending backwards. Place the right hand on the left hand, both palms facing outwards, with the thumbs interlocked and the fingers kept straight and close together. The position of the body remains the same as in the position of attention, except that the feet are placed shoulder lengths apart. The feet are turned out at an angle of 30 degrees.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Basic Position As you were / SEMULA Note: The ‘Easy’ position is for you to relax while still remaining smart and steady. The position is the same as for standing at ease with elbows slightly bend. Returning to the original position before the last command was given.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 White Badge Lesson 4 Stationary Drill (Physical Achievement 2) Stationary Drill (Physical Achievement 2)
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Would you know which command to give? Get the squad to stand at attention Get the squad to go to their last position Get the squad to stand at ease Get the squad to rest easy Sedia Senang diri Semula Rehatkan diri Match the commands to the situation.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Fill in the blanks in the speech bubbles Communication helps us spread ____________ _______________. Yes. It also allows us to ask for __________ and to give advice. You’re right. With good communication, we will be able to ______ well together.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 White Badge Lesson 5 Communicating Ideas & Expressing Oneself (Enrichment Achievement 1) Communicating Ideas & Expressing Oneself (Enrichment Achievement 1)
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point: If you were blindfolded and had to listen to a guide to instruct you, what kind of information would you need?.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point: If you were the guide to a group of blindfolded people, what could you do to help them understand your instructions?
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point: If you cannot speak for a day, how would you communicat e with another person?
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point: Why is verbal communicati on important?
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 White Badge Lesson 6 Expressing Oneself (Enrichment Achievement 2) Expressing Oneself (Enrichment Achievement 2)
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Non-verbal communications – 3 points 1. Communication without speech is not impossible, but inaccurate and time-consuming. 2. Not using speech means that other ways have to be thought out and used. 3. They should cherish their ability to speak and hence try to develop their verbal communication skills in order to be precise. 1. Communication without speech is not impossible, but inaccurate and time-consuming. 2. Not using speech means that other ways have to be thought out and used. 3. They should cherish their ability to speak and hence try to develop their verbal communication skills in order to be precise.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 White Badge Lesson 7 Kindness at home, school & the neighbourhood (Social Achievement 1) Kindness at home, school & the neighbourhood (Social Achievement 1)
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore How was Jesus kind to Lazarus and his family? INSERT ILLUSTRATION HERE _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore 3 Reasons for being kind to others: 1)2)3)1)2)3)
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 White Badge Lesson 8 Kindness at home, school & the neighbourhood (Social Achievement 2) Kindness at home, school & the neighbourhood (Social Achievement 2)
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore How I can be kind at home, school and my neighbourhood AT HOME AT HOME IN SCHOOL IN SCHOOL MY NEIGHBOURHOOD
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore My most meaningful act of Kindness was when It is most meaningful because My most meaningful act of Kindness was when It is most meaningful because
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore What is most important when we are doing kind acts? Write your thoughts down into the spaces available. WHY? The number of acts How important is this? Give 1 reason for your answer. The recognition we receive How important is this? Give 1 reason for your answer. The people we are kind to How important is this? Give 1 reason for your answer.