Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå 18-19 December 2007 Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre (NIERSC) St. Petersburg, Russia Arctic.


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Presentation transcript:

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre (NIERSC) St. Petersburg, Russia Arctic ROOS relevant activities Leonid P. Bobylev

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 NIERSC Vision and Strategy Vision To understand, monitor and predict climate and environmental changes in the high northern latitudes for serving the society Mission To develop Nansen International Centre to be a significant national and international contributor to the studying climate and environmental changes in the high northern latitudes. NIERSC focuses on the four major related research areas: 1Climate Variability and Change in High Northern Latitudes 2 Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction 3 Aquatic Ecosystems in Response to Global Change 4 Applied Meteorological and Oceanographic Research for Industrial Activities

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 NIERSC current and planned project activities relevant to the Arctic ROOS  INTAS DEMOSSS ( )  MONRUK ( )  DAMOCLES TTC ( )  MAREBASE ( )  MyOcean/Arctic Marine Core Services ( )

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 Development of marine oil spills/slicks satellite monitoring system elements targeting the Black/Caspian/Kara/Barents Seas INTAS DEMOSSS ( ) Partners:  NERSC (Bergen, Norway)  BOOST (Brest, France)  University of Hamburg (Germany)  NIERSC (St. Petersburg, Russia)  Institute of Applied Physics (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)  Marine Hydrophysical Institute (Sevastopol, Ukraine)  AARI (St. Petersburg, Russia)  NTsOMZ (Moscow, Russia) Overall goal: To develop and demonstrate components of marine oil spill detection and prediction system based on satellite SAR and other data in combination with models for oil spill/slick monitoring, prediction and assessment of their impact on environment Results:  prototype of marine environment information service in Black/Caspian/Kara/Barents Seas as a part of GMES  monitoring of oil spills/slicks in the Black/Caspian/ Kara/Barents Seas based on ENVISAT ASAR and optical data

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 Monitoring the marine environment in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan using Synthetic Aperture Radar MONRUK ( ) Partners:  NERSC (Bergen, Norway)  Coastal and Marine Resources Centre (Ireland)  BOOST (Brest, France)  NIERSC (St. Petersburg, Russia)  Marine Hydrophysical Institute (Sevastopol, Ukraine)  Center of Astrophysical Research (Kazakhstan)  JRC/IPSC (Ispra, Italy)  NTsOMZ (Moscow, Russia), through NIERSC Overall goal: To develop and implement satellite SAR monitoring of marine environment in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan as component of GMES Specific objectives:  Develop algorithms for retrieval of marine geophysical parameters from SAR images including open ocean and sea ice  Improve forward modelling of sea surface radar scattering  Apply retrieval algorithms and radar scattering models for improved quantification of sea surface parameters with focus on oil spill an sea ice monitoring  Establish service chains for SAR monitoring in Northern Sea Route, Black and Caspian Seas  Develop and implement user-friendly, harmonized, pan-European, interoperable system to access data and information about marine environment based on web map server technology

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 Developing Arctic Modelling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term Environment Studies DAMOCLES TTC ( ) NIERSC tasks:  Ice thickness:  s tatistics of ice thickness, freeboard and density, and snow thickness from Russian archived data from previous expeditions  Sea ice types and properties:  improvement of ice type classification and MY ice retrieval based on passive microwave and scatterometer data using Neural Network approach and introducing ice surface temperature fields into retrieval process  studying ice drift from Russian satellite data (Okean SLR and optical/IR)  Sea ice and snow thermodynamics:  expeditions onboard Russian (?) research vessels with measurements of temperature and albedo of sea ice and snow as well as in situ microwave radiometer measurements for validation of developed retrieval algorithms

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 Maritime Resources of the Barents Sea: Satellite data driven monitoring in the context of increase of commercial efficiency of the fishery MAREBASE ( ) Partners:  NERSC, Bergen, Norway  NIERSC, St. Petersburg, Russia  Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO), Murmansk, Russia  Russian State Hydrometerological Univercity (RSHU), St. Petersburg Overall objective: To advance capability to monitor the Barents Sea maritime resources in the context of increase of commercial efficiency of fishery Specific objectives:  Development and validation of satellite SAR and optical data driven method for detection and monitoring marine processes and phenomena (e. g. fronts, current convergence and divergence) associated with zones of enhanced biological productivity  Performance of pilot monitoring of Barents Sea based on satellite and aircraft data, hydrodynamic and ecosystem modeling, and in situ observations on hydrological and biological (zooplankton, fish) parameters  Development of a prototype of satellite data driven monitoring system

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 Development and pre-operational validation of upgraded GMES Marine Core Service and capabilities MyOcean ( ) Partners:  NERSC, Bergen, Norway  MetNo, Oslo, Norway  IMR, Bergen, Norway  NIERSC, St. Petersburg, Russia  AARI, St. Petersburg, Russia WP 5.5. Arctic MFC Calibration/Validation and quality insurance Objective: To document quality of Arctic MFC, monitor its evolution with respect to user requirements, assist users in their interpretation of results and provide recommendations for upcoming observations programs and model R&D actions Monitor Arctic MFC system in operation WP5 – Arctic Monitoring and Forecasting Centre (MFC)

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 Arctic ocean and sea ice parameters relevant to the Arctic ROOS: NIERSC contribution Sea ice:  types  concentration  drift Icebergs:  detection Ocean surface features:  current and temperature fronts  eddies  internal waves  swell Oil spills:  detection  area  evolution

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 Main Tools SAR-image analysis (ocean, oil spills):  Radar Imaging Model (RIM) - NIERSC  Atmospheric Boundary Layer Model (ABL) - NIERSC  SARTool - BOOST Technologies Oil spill monitoring:  Oil spill Model for the Arctic Seas (OilMARS) - AARI Sea ice monitoring:  SAR NN-based algorithm for ice type classification – NIERSC  Improved passive-active microwave algorithm for ice concentration retrieval (NORSEX + Scatterometer) – NIERSC  New passive microwave NN-based algorithm for ice concentration retrieval - NIERSC

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 St.Petersburg, Russia Input: current velocity, SST, geostrophic wind and free atmosphere temperature Observed frontal feature Measured NRCS contrast Atmospheric Boundary Layer model output Wave spectrum transformation model output: Bragg spectrum, MSS, Wave Breaking NRCS model output comparison Radar Imaging Model (RIM) Advanced model tool to simulate SAR signatures of various ocean surface phenomena

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 Examples of products from SARTool

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 OilMARS (Oil spill Model for the Arctic Seas) OilMARS input:  NCEP/NCAR Reanalyzes database  Wind velocity and direction  3-D dynamic-thermodynamic model of ocean circulation (I. Neelov)  Surface water circulation  Surface water temperature and salinity  Ice concentration and drift  Wind wave model (I. Lavrenov)  Heights of wind waves  Periods of wind waves  Direction of wind waves propagation

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 SAR Neural Network-based algorithm for ice type classification ENVISAT ASAR image for Canadian Arctic Image classification: red – multiyear ice green – level first-year ice blue – rough first-year ice MY-ice FY-ice Rough Level Erroneous classification caused by lack of angle correction

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 Comparison of multi-year ice boundaries derived from scatterometer and AARI’s ice chart (30 March 2006) Nilas First-year ice Multi-year ice QuikSCAT (IFREMER)SSM/I (NORSEX)AARI Ice Chart

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 SSM/I mapping of multi-year ice with its boundary correction from scatterometer data Corrected SSM/I Multi-year ice map November 2005 Multi-year ice from scatterometer Multi-year ice from SSM/I NORSEX January 2006

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 Development of Neural Network (NN) -based algorithm for ice concentration retrievals Brightness temperature calculations Dataset of simultaneous meteorological and ice data Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean System (AIOS) Model Model of microwave radiation transfer in AIOS Model sensitivity study Optimal NN-configuration development NN-algorithm for FY and MY ice concentration retrieval NN-algorithm validation using SAR-imagery

Arctic ROOS Foundation Meeting Luleå December 2007 Iceberg detection in SAR and visible images ENVISAT ASAR sub-image for April 5, 2006 Landsat sub-image for April 14, 2006 “Monitor-E” sub-image for April 7, 2006