BIBLE CLASS Thursday, April 30, 2015 Put your homework on the counter.


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Presentation transcript:

BIBLE CLASS Thursday, April 30, 2015 Put your homework on the counter.

TEST ON TUESDAY Study for a test over Lessons 5-6 through 6-2. Know your verses. You will be asked to write one verse. Bring your worksheet on the vine and the branches with the front side completed.

Lesson 5-11 Repentance

REPENTANCE Conversion has two elements: Faith Repentance

REPENTANCE Conversion has two elements: Saving faith is a personal choice to trust Christ’s work on the cross.

REPENTANCE Conversion has two elements: Repentance is a change of thinking, feeling, and acting with reference to sin. When a person repents, he feels sorrow or regret over his sin. His understanding and sorrow lead him to turn from his sin to Christ for salvation.

REPENTANCE This is the first step in a continuing process throughout the believer’s life. As a believer sees sin in his life, he repents. A change in behavior is not the CAUSE of salvation but it is an EVIDENCE of it. Lack of change in a person’s life is an indication of a lack of salvation.

REPENTANCE Thinking Correctly about Christ and Ourselves Seeing Christ as merely a good man isn’t adequate for salvation. The rich young ruler called Christ “good master” or “ruler.” He used a term of respect meaning he recognized Christ as a superior teacher.

REPENTANCE Thinking Correctly about Christ and Ourselves Respecting Christ as authority and ability isn’t enough.

REPENTANCE Thinking Correctly about Christ and Ourselves Christ said, “Why do you call me good? There is none good but God.” He was trying to show the man how limited his understanding was.

REPENTANCE Thinking Correctly about Christ and Ourselves The suggestion that he should keep the commandments to earn eternal life was honest. If a person could keep the commandments perfectly, he could have eternal life. No one could do that, however, because of sinful human nature.

REPENTANCE Forsaking Specific Sin Self-righteousness keeps people from seeing themselves as sinners and thus keeps them from trusting Christ as their Savior.

REPENTANCE Forsaking Specific Sin The young ruler responded to Christ that he had kept the commandments since he was a child. He was confident of his ability to keep the law. But he still sensed something was lacking.

REPENTANCE Forsaking Specific Sin Jesus told him to sell all that he had. This test was specifically designed for a person who put personal possessions before God.

REPENTANCE Forsaking Specific Sin Christ is not saying that anyone who wants to be saved must sell everything and give to the poor. He was saying that this man had to confront his sin and turn from it.

REPENTANCE Forsaking Specific Sin Having made his material wealth the god of his life, he needed to turn from that god to the God of heaven. This is repentance.

REPENTANCE Allowing God to Work Without the supernatural working of God, no one can be saved. The Lord emphasized the difficulty that the rich have in entering the kingdom of heaven.

REPENTANCE Allowing God to Work When a person submits to Christ by repentance and faith, he becomes part of His kingdom.

REPENTANCE Allowing God to Work The Lord used a camel and a needle to illustrate his point. The camel was the largest domesticated animal in the Middle East. The needle was one of the smallest household implements.

REPENTANCE Allowing God to Work Christ was stressing the impossibility of a rich person being saved without turning away from trust in riches. Jews commonly thought that the wealthy were the most likely people to go to heaven because they could give more to charity.

REPENTANCE Allowing God to Work If it was impossible for them to enter, how much more difficult would it be for ordinary people?

REPENTANCE Allowing God to Work Repentance is always difficult. The Spirit must convict a person of sin and draw him to Christ. God’s power is responsible for our salvation.

REPENTANCE Receiving Rewards Those who are saved will receive great reward in the kingdom of heaven.

Lesson 6-1 Christ’s Miracles

CHRIST’S MIRACLES The Deity of Christ Christ performed 35 miracles recorded in the Gospels. A miracle is the direct operation of divine power that results in an effect contrary to the ordinary course of nature or human life.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES The Deity of Christ Christ showed His authority over nature, physical illness, death, evil spiritual beings, and even sin.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES The Deity of Christ The performing of a miracle does not prove that a person is God. The number, variety and power of Jesus’ miracles prove beyond question that He is God.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES The Deity of Christ If Christ is not God, He has no more claim on us than Buddha, Mohammed, or today’s most popular athlete. Christ’s miracles prove that He is God.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority over Sin When Jesus restored the paralytic at Capernaum (miracle #8), He told him his sins were forgiven. He then healed the man to prove that He had the power to forgive sins.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority over Sin By this miracle Christ established that His power to heal revealed His power to forgive sins. Every time Christ healed a person, He was asserting His ability to forgive sins and heal people spiritually.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority over Sin Only God can forgive sins. If Christ could heal all sorts of physical maladies supernaturally, He could also forgive sins. And if God alone has the power, then Christ is God.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority over Nature God controls nature supernaturally. He can alter what we call “laws of nature” instantaneously to accomplish His ends. Christ frequently demonstrated this supernatural control of nature.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority over Nature Food and drink Feeding the five thousand Feeding the four thousand Turning the water into wine

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority over Nature Weather and laws of physics Stopping the storm Walking on the water Peter walking on the water Calming the lake Boat arriving immediately at its destination

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority over Nature Plant and animal life Fish Money for temple tax in the fish’s mouth Commanded fish to be where the nets were Fig tree Pronounced judgment

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority over Physical Life and Health He cured instantly and supernaturally (26 recorded). No other person has ever demonstrated the same power to cure diseases that Christ did. He is God.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority over Physical Life and Health Christ reversed death. Christ’s resurrection proves that He can control His own life and death.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority over Evil Beings There are two classes of angels: good and evil. The evil angels are further divided into two groups: Some were immediately chained in hell upon their fall with Satan from their original innocent states.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority over Evil Beings Other fallen angels are servants of Satan in his wicked schemes to spiritually and physically oppress human beings. We call these angels demons. These angels expect the same end as those who have gone before them into hell.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority over Evil Beings Christ showed that every deliverance from demons was a demonstration of His deity.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority Christ’s authority over sin, nature, human life, and evil spiritual beings proves that He is God. The major reason Christ had to perform His miracles was to prove His deity.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority If Jesus is not God, then He is a liar and all His claims about Himself are false. If Jesus isn’t God, then why would we worship Him or obey Him?

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority Jesus wasn’t just a good man, an outstanding teacher, and the founder of one of the world’s major religions. He’s the Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer of all life, and the Lord and Savior of the human race.

CHRIST’S MIRACLES Christ’s Authority We must humbly submit to His authority. We must do whatever He commands. We must give our whole lives to Him because He alone is worthy of loyalty and devotion.

6-2 THE LIFE OF FAITH Faith is an unwavering confidence in Christ and His power to save. Trust, belief, confidence, reliance are all synonyms for faith. Eighteen miracles teach about faith.

THE LIFE OF FAITH Why Faith Must Grow Three times Christ condemned weak faith in His disciples -- when He stilled the storm on the Sea of Galilee when Peter walked on the water when the disciples failed to heal the demon- possessed boy

THE LIFE OF FAITH Why Faith Must Grow Jesus never simply condemned weakness in His disciples; He always took steps to correct the weakness. He used His miracles to build the disciples’ faith. Turning the water into wine Raising Lazarus from the dead

THE LIFE OF FAITH Why Faith Must Grow Saving faith is trust in Christ as the only Savior from sin and judgment.

THE LIFE OF FAITH What Faith Sees People who believe without seeing are blessed. Faith, then is believing without seeing. The centurion believed in the power of the word of Christ. He expressed that confidence even without seeing.

THE LIFE OF FAITH What Faith Sees Faith that believes only what it sees is lesser faith.

THE LIFE OF FAITH What Faith Sees The best faith is one that believes Christ’s promises placing pure confidence in the stated word of Christ before seeing the promise worked out in experience.

THE LIFE OF FAITH How Faith is Shown Faith is demonstrated by perseverance ---- staying with a purpose and persisting in a goal or a belief. Faith that perseveres will not stop trusting Christ’s ability or willingness to help.

THE LIFE OF FAITH How Faith is Shown We need to keep believing, despite apparent failure and opposition, until our prayers are answered. God isn’t being difficult when He refuses to answer immediately. He’s teaching us perseverance, a character quality that will stand us in good stead in life.

FOR TUESDAY Study your notes for a test points. Know all of your verses. You will be asked to write one of them. Bring your vine and branches worksheet with the front filled out.