Chapter 10 Section 1 Building a German Nation Mr. Bellisario November 4, 2013 Woodridge High School
Section Objectives Identify several events that promoted German unity during the early 1800. Explain the step of how Bismarck unified Germany. Analyze the basic political organization of the new German empire.
Early Changes that Helped German Unity Early 1800’s German-speaking people Number of small states (countries) Largest state, Prussia Austrian Hapsburg empire
Impact of Napoleon (1807-1812) > desire for a united Germany Territorial changes in German area He annexed land along Rhine R. for France Dissolved the Holy Roman Empire Organized some German states into Rhine Confederation New policies Freeing of serfs Made trade easier Abolished laws against Jews Congress of Vienna created German Confederation, weak alliance headed by Austria
Prussia 1830’s 1830’s Prussia created economic union – Zollverein Got rid of tariffs among German states However, Germany remained fragmented
Prussia 1848 1848 liberals met at Frankfurt Assembly Demanded political unity offered throne to Prussian, Frederick William IV, he refused
Bismarck the Chancellor Bismarck united Germany because of his strong will Background `From Prussia’s nobility, called Junkers, conservative landowners King William I made Bismarck Chancellor- prime minister of German states under Prussian rule Realpolitik – realistic politics based on the needs of the state (Bismarck was the master!) Creator of German unity Not a nationalist – loyal to Hohenzollerns, ruling family of Prussia
3 Wars War with Denmark Austro-Prussian War Franco-Prussian War 1864 formed alliance w/ Austria Seized provinces of Schleswig & Holstein from Denmark Austro-Prussian War 1866 Bismarck created excuse to attack Austria Lasted 6 weeks Prussian annexed or took control of several northern German states Franco-Prussian War Rivalry between France & Prussia Bismarck caused the war to happen by Talking about French threat & trying to create German nationalism Told the press about meeting between King Willliam I (Germany) & French ambassador Edited “Ems dispatch” Made it seem like William I had insulted the ambassador Napoleon III was furious & declared war on Prussia France defeated by Prussians
Result from those wars France is never a European power again Basic Political Organization of New German Empire Jan. 1871, William/Wilhelm I of Prussia became kaiser, emperor of the Second Reich (empire) – First Reich was Holy Roman Empire Unified southern German states & Northern German Confederation Constitution set up two-house legislature Bundesrat – upper house, members appointed from nobility Reichstag – lower house, members elected Bundesrat could veto Reichstag – real power w/ kaiser & chancellor