OpenACS applications at the UCLA School of Medicine Avni Khatri Computing Technologies Research Lab
Overview History and background of CTRL UCLA –Faculty Database Problem, requirements, design –Weekly Message Digest Problem, requirements, design –Calendar of Events Problem, requirements, design –Room Reservation Problem, requirements, design Issues –Performance under load –Permissions & request processor –Single sign on –Customizations
Background Since 1995, NaviServer 1.0. Illustra, Solid, Sybase, now Oracle. Research data collection, management, and reporting applications. Infrastructure applications at School of Medicine: Shared Resources, school and department web sites, etc.
Faculty Database Too many places where information needed to be updated. Need for single point of management. Flexible heterogeneous presentations (for each departments, divisions, center, institute, etc.) Support distributed administration (departments can manage their faculty, etc). Marketing tool.
FDB Design Uses OpenACS –objects & permissions –Users, persons, parties and groups Research data include: –Publications –Lay and Technical Research Interest statements –Title, degrees, awards, affiliations –Contact data Other features: –Data source for NIH & NSF Bio-sketch builder
Data Model
Example Query select personnel_id, first_names, last_name from inst_personnel psnl, persons p where p.person_id = psnl.personnel_id and (psnl.status_id is null or psnl.status_id in (category.lookup('//Personnel Status//Active'), category.lookup('//Personnel Status//Accepting Patients'))) and (psnl.start_date is null or psnl.start_date < sysdate) and (psnl.end_date is null or psnl.end_date > sysdate) and exists (select 1 from vw_group_member_map elms where exists (select 1 from acs_rels rels where rels.rel_type = 'subsite_for_party_rel' and rels.object_id_one = :subsite_id and rels.object_id_two = elms.ancestor_id) and elms.child_id = p.person_id ) order by last_name_initial, last_name, first_names
Digest - Problem
WMD - Solution Person at UCLA wishes to add an item to the Weekly Message Digest.
Weekly Message Digest
Technical Details
Implementation Strategy Weekly digests to drive traffic to other services. Single sign-on to several applications: –FDB –Room Reservations –Calendars of Events –NIH Bio sketch builder –more…
Calendar Engine
Calendars of Events Central clearinghouse of DGSOM events. Accept DGSOM community postings. Support import into desktop calendars (Outlook & iCal). Provide notification options ( ). Provide “pull” options (RSS).
Room Reservations Online Common solution to room reservation. Supports local control and autonomy. Provide new capabilities.
Room Reservations Online Browse rooms by characteristics. Search by specific requirements. Submit room reservation request. Administration of rooms. Support for “skins”
Issues Performance - permissions & request processor. Performance - AOLServer tuning. Single sign on Customizations