Psychology 001 Introduction to Psychology Christopher Gade, PhD Office: 621 Heafey Office hours: F 3-6 and by apt. Class WF 7:00-8:30
General Psych Specifics Required Text: Introduction to Psychology, James W. Kalat, 9 th Edition (8 th edition also works) Website for Course Postings: (Holy Names - Intro – Fall 2010 link on the upper-left-hand side) Alternative Website of Use: (supplementary informative videos on topics covered in this class)
Course Specifics Your grade is based on: 3 exams (no cumulative final) Three written assignments 2 psych in life papers DSM-defined disorder paper Other responsibilities: Attend classes Arrive on time Pay attention in class Keep up with the readings
Grading Policy Final grades will be calculated on the basis of 240 points distributed as follows: RequirementPoints % of grade Exam % of your grade Exam % of your grade Exam % of your grade Psych in Life Papers % of your grade Disorder Paper % of your grade Final grades will be based on a standard 100% scale: A=90%-100%, B=80%- 90%, C=70%-80%, D=60%-70%, with + and – for the upper and lower extremes of those ranges (e.g. B+ = %).
Why Take this Course? To understand, explain and predict behavior. To be the happiest, smartest, most balanced, creative, efficient, constructive and beneficial contributors to the world that you can be (psychology can help you do this… maybe) Enjoyment: The world of psychology is so diverse and interesting, you not only can benefit from knowing information about the field, but you also will have a lot of interesting stories to tell. To recognize a number of misperceptions in our world that we consider “ obvious ”, or “ common knowledge ”.
What Will our Classes Entail? Information on both the text and other topic related information found in each section. Several videos that bring to life several of the most groundbreaking psychological experiments and theories in history. A hands-on opportunity to participate and/or witness several of the most entertaining and interesting psychological studies and topics of our time.
How to Thrive in this Class Check the syllabus in advance of every meeting to see what readings are related to the topic that will be discussed during that day. Do the readings! The lecture slides will be posted prior to the class, and should be printed out in order to better understand lecture. Come to class attentive and ready to take notes in order to understand what’s on the slides.
Now Its Your Turn On a sheet of paper, please write your: –Name –Hometown –Favorite junk food –Best contact –Expected grade in the class –Additional information that you’d like to convey