Polytect Security System Senior Design II Proposal April 20, 2006 Group # 3 Sheena Ingram Kerece Richardson Hai Nguyen Diego Amezquita
Overview Problem StatementProblem Statement BackgroundBackground ObjectivesObjectives Intended Users and UsesIntended Users and Uses Need/Feasibility AnalysisNeed/Feasibility Analysis Concept DevelopmentConcept Development StandardsStandards Ethical ConsiderationsEthical Considerations BudgetBudget End Product DescriptionEnd Product Description ConclusionConclusion
Problem Statement –The need for integrated sensors –Detects gas, smoke, and home invasion (burglar alarm ) –Web-Based platform –Pre-defined Actions
Background Wireless Fire Alarm System (University of Connecticut) Portable Gas Sensor (Iowa State University) Speech Synthesized Temperature Sensor (University of Illinois)
Objectives This system should activate an alarm This system should be accessible The device should be useful The system should be Marketable The system should be valuable Monitored status should be accessible remotely, private, user friendly
Intended Users and Uses UsersUsers –Computer Literate UsesUses –monitor the status of gas and smoke concentrations, and intrusion
Needs / Feasibility Analysis Needs AnalysisNeeds Analysis –Question 1: Why is there a problem with sensors locating a specific threat? –Question 2: Why does the threat have to be located specifically if the alarm alerts the user with sound? –Question 3: Why is there a need to have three separate sensors for one system instead of integrating them into one? –Question 4: Why is there a need for web-based monitoring when some systems can be monitored using a LCD panel? –Question 5: Why is there a need for the system to control functions in the home to eliminate certain threats?
Feasibility Analysis
Concept Development The pros and cons of selections Advantages: –Power –Wireless –Serial –Individual connections Disadvantages: –Wired systems may be more costly –Cumbersome –Constant battery replacement –Signal interferance –Serial Signal Delays
Standards ISO –connected to control and indicating equipment AS/NZS :1996 –the remote database access client, when database language used is SQL ITS-90 –t90 / °C = T90/K
Ethical Considerations DilemmaDilemma –unauthorized access to private information –security risk from altered information StakeholdersStakeholders –The stakeholders involved in this project will be the owner or other users of the security system, hackers, and the general public. Determining the optionsDetermining the options –Best extreme –Worst extreme –Compromise Application of Ethical TheoriesApplication of Ethical Theories –Ethical egoism –Utilitarianism –Ethics of care
Budget Cost CategoryPrice ComponentsMax. $700 Time$15/hr * 10hr/wk * 4wk/mn * 4mn * 4people = $9600 Lab Space$400/mn * 1mn/4wk * 1wk/168hr * 15hr/wk * 4 wk/mn * 4 mn = $250 Lab Equipment$300/wk * 15hr/168hr * 4 wk/mn * 4 mn = $428 Fringe Benefit.30 * $7200 = $2880 Instructor Salary $200/hr * 1hr/wk * 4wk/mn * 4mn = $3200 Grand Total$14178
End Product Description Functions –Functional Block Diagram
Conclusion After performing a Feasibility Analysis, Gant chart, and budget it is concluded that the project is feasible and will be accomplished within the allotted time.