BUILDING HOURS The school building is open to students 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday – Friday regular school days and 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM on late start days. Students may remain at school after 3:00 PM ONLY when they are participating in a scheduled activity such as athletic events, plays, concerts, etc... OR when working under the direct supervision of a teacher. (ie. Getting help with homework or finishing an assignment.)
AFTER SCHOOL When ready: Bus students should board the bus as soon as possible to help drivers stay on schedule. Walking students should begin walking home. Students who remain in the building must be with a teacher or attending a school sponsored event. Follow directions from teachers, staff, and custodians. Behave in accordance to school and Weber School District policies.
BEHAVIOR Students are expected to demonstrate appropriate behavior while on school property and during school sponsored events. School appropriate language is expected at all times. No running, pushing, tripping, or horseplay is allowed at school. Voices should be at an appropriate sound level in the hallways, restrooms, cafeteria, etc...
VENDING MACHINES Are provided as a convenience to students. When students are using them appropriately : Wrappers and containers are thrown in a trash can after use. Hallways are clean of spills or messes. Students are not tardy to classes due to vending machine use. The vending machines will be turned off when not used appropriately.
LUNCH ROOM Have your student ID with you every day. Students with ID may enter the cafeteria and get in line. This helps speed up the line. Students without ID’s must wait in the hallway to enter the cafeteria. This slows down the line. Wait your turn in lines. Clean up after yourself. Don’t make messes you are not willing to clean up. Place trash in trash cans and recyclables in recycle cans. Stack your tray and any metal silverware neatly on the dish room shelf. Notify custodians of spills/messes. Use your manners.
HALLWAYS Walk on the right side. Move to your next class. Voice should be appropriate for school. Avoid horseplay. Speeding in hallways to lunch may result in being “pulled over” and waiting to get into the lunch line.
WHY? Following the school rules and procedures shows you are a good citizen of our T.H. Bell community and tells others of your character. Helps you show respect for yourself and others. Helps our school be a safe place to learn. Keeps you out of trouble. Because it’s the right thing to do.