Presented by: Jessica Forbes
Introduction If you touch a hot stove, you do not stop to think about how your body tells you that it’s hot This is an example of REFLEX ARC the simplest possible arrangement of elements to permit a response to stimuli (in this example the heat), and in which the final element in the chain is skeletal muscle simplest nerve pathway
Reflex Arc Works By feeling heat on your body is detected by specialized receptors in the skin nerve pulse is then carried to the spinal cord. sensory neuron passes the impulse on to an interneuron interneuron passes impulse to a motor neuron motor neuron causes muscles to contract and pull away from stimuli lex.jpg
This Happens Fast all of this happens in less than a second before the information even travels and reaches the brain once the message reaches the brain, you will begin to feel the pain reflexes are involuntary and often unconscious you move your hand away before you "know why" you're doing it /fig91902_05.jpg
Five Essential Components 1.The receptor (finger, hand, etc) 2.The sensory neuron (travels message to the interneuron) 3.The interneuron (in spinal cord) 4.The motor neuron (travels message to the muscle) 5.The effector (the muscle)
Sources Di Giuseppe, Maurice, and Angela Vavitsas. Biology 12. Toronto, Ontario: Nelson & thomson Canada Limited, Norton, W.. "Reflex Arcs." Animated Tutorials: Introductory Biology Sumanas Inc. 7 Jun "Revision that's easier to digest." BBC. BBC. 7 Jun "Somatic Reflex Arc." 7 Jun 2007.