Electricity Compressed Air Steam Hydraulic Pressure Gas Lines etc
Raised Loads Coiled Springs Charged Capacitors
Failure to stop equipment Failure to disconnect from power source Failure to dissipate (bleed, neutralize) residual energy Accidental restarting of equipment Failure to clear work areas before restarting
Energy isolating device A mechanical device that physically prevents the transmission or release of energy. Any device that which prevents an energy source from being energized or releasing stored energy
Lockout Device A device such as a padlock to lock an energy isolation device in a safe position.
Tagout A prominent warning device such as a tag securely attached to the energy isolating device to indicate that the device and equipment being controlled may not be operated until the tagout device is removed
Authorized Employee - one who locks out machines or equipment in order to perform the servicing or maintenance on that machine or equipment. Affected Employee - one whose job requires him/her to operate or use a machine or equipment on which servicing or maintenance is being performed under lockout, or whose job requires him/her to work in an area in which such servicing or maintenance is being performed.
Lockout/Tagout program will be implemented when performing any type of work on equipment or process that is connected to an energy source or contains residual or stored energy.
LOTO procedures will not apply on cord and plug connected electric equipment for which exposure to hazardous energy or start up of equipment is controlled by unplugging the equipment, and the plug is under direct control of the employee doing the work.
Identify energy sources for each machine or process (some machines may have more than one energy source) Mark/label each machine or process that is identified under this plan so that personnel will know that LOTO procedures must be followed when accomplishing work
Develop written specific LOTO procedures for each identified machine or process Each procedure should include: Identification of the energy source Location of energy isolation devices for the machine or process. Type of LOTO procedure to be used Example: Removal of a fuse, opening of circuit breaker, blocking of elevated machine members, removal of valve handles, draining of hydraulic systems, relieving air, gas, steam, or water pressure Other safety measures such as PPE A general SOP may be written for like machines and processes when the hazard and control procedures are the same
Identify all Authorized Employees to perform duties under the program Provide training and LOTO procedures Ensure compliance with the program
Prior to work: Consult the LOTO program and procedure Notify “Affected Employees” Prepare for shutdown by assessing the nature, magnitude, and means needed to control energy
Isolate the machine or process from energy source-- Isolation devices will be affixed in a way that will hold the energy in a safe and off position. Install individual lock out device Ex: lock a circuit breaker in the open position using a padlock Lockout devices such as padlocks will be employee specific to prevent accidental removal by other personnel Only the person using the lock and the supervisor will have a key to the lock.
Tagout devices will be affixed in such a manner that indicates the operation or movement of the energy isolating device is prohibited. Tags will not be used in lieu of locking devices If a machine cannot be locked out then an employee shall be stationed at the machine or process to prevent accidental startup. When using tagout procedures, the same level of safety achieved must be equal to that of Lockout.
After work is accomplished Before lock or tag is removed Inspect work area for removal of nonessential items Inspect work area to ensure that all employees have be safely removed or repositioned. Clear out all tools and materials Verify that all controls are in the neutral or off position
LOTO removal Locks/Tags are only removed by the Authorized Employee who applied them. Test the machine Notify Affected Employees of the removal of the LOTO device.
Servicing lasts longer than one shift. Contractors are performing service or maintenance at your workplace Worker who applied lock is not available