Puritan Preacher
Most powerful and persuasive Puritan preacher (notice the alliteration!) Born in Connecticut to Puritan family. Played “preacher” as a child. (big fun!) At age 12, he spoke Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, and had written several philosophical essays. Graduated Yale as valedictorian at age 17. Masters degree in theology.
Pastor of the church at Northampton. Northampton was the largest and wealthiest church in the Puritan world. A leader of the Great Awakening, a religious revival that swept the colonies in the 1730’s and 1740’s. fired for being too conservative. 1757-President of College of New Jersey (Princeton University)
Persuasive Speeches- attempts to convince listeners to think or act in a certain way. Factors of effectiveness: The speaker’s qualifications- must have credibility through reputation. Must display knowledge of subject. Audience- be aware of beliefs, interests, etc. of the audience. Occasion- the time and place a speech takes place will affect its content.
Technique- speaker must choose which technique will serve their purpose. May present a logical argument, appeal to past traditions, appeal to audience’s emotions or sense of reason.