Michael Pickett Technical Design Architect Norfolk County Council
Norfolk County Council Reaching for the Cloud Michael Pickett
Norfolk‘s Education Demographics Large rural county in the East of England Over 420 schools More than 120,000 teachers, learners & support staff
The challenge Confidence inspiring ICT Anytime and anyplace Secure and e-Safe Affordable, sustainable and green Familiar and easy access Bring Your Own Device
The Challenge
The approach Cloud computing Open standards Green IT Sustainable IT Device agnostic Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS)
iPaaS Identity Management service Open standards for data interoperability o Systems Interoperability Framework (SIF) Open standards for Single Sign-on o Shibboleth (based upon SAML2.0) Private Virtual Data Centre
Schools MISCollege MIS 14 to 19 Management Learning Platforms Shibboleth SSo Identity Management Apps
Applications SIF Agents Zone Integration Server (ZIS) SIF Data Objects NCC Identity Provider Tribal IDEAR Remedy CRM Content Services Learning Platform Management Information System (MIS) NCC Systems Google Apps How SIF works
The server-less school
Why Google? Brings the real world into the classroom Open standards Collaboration Innovative Cloud strategy
Our deployment One domain – probably World’s largest! 120 – 140,000 accounts 420 schools 840 Organisational Units (Staff / Students) e-Safe SIF account provisioning and SSo
How are we using? Managed group policies for access to Google Apps Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Single Sign-on to services such as Espresso Primary, Purple Mash, e-Chalk, Aviary Drive Chromebooks Pilot
Where are we going? Chromebooks, iPads, Etc. Bring Your Own Device Server-less school Jolicloud Norfolk Cloud Apps Store* * Working Title
Technologies & Suppliers
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