Presented by Monica Ballay, LASPDG Staff Data Based Decision Making Root Cause Analysis for Discipline Data (over OSS/Expulsion) Training 1
Considerations This webinar is being recorded and will be available for viewing at If you need to ask a question, please use the Chat Pod on bottom right of your screen To download the materials for today, you can click on the files in the file share pod on your screen and save them to your computer 2
Roll Call At this time, EVERYONE please use your chat pod and type your first and last name as well as your district/LEA that you are representing 3
People First Language Kathie Snow. (n.d.) A few words about People First Language. Disability is Natural. Retrieved August 1, 2012 from “People First Language puts the person before the disability and describes what a person has, not who a person is.” 4
Objectives: 1) Understand and Calculate SPP 4a & 4b 2) Gain knowledge /skills using the Root Cause Analysis Process 3)Utilize data to make data-based decisions 5
If 34% of your Total Out-of- School Suspension (OSS) are from students with disabilities (SWD) and 66% are from general education students, which group of students is there a greater concern? 1) Student with Disabilities (SWD) 2) General Education Students 3) Not sure 4) Depends 6
SPP Indicator 4 a & 4b? SPP is State Performance Plan with 20 Indicators SPP Indicator 4a # of students with disabilities (SWD) with Out-of- School Suspension (OSS)/Expulsion > than 10 days SPP Indicator 4b # of SWD with OSS/Expulsion > than 10 days by race/ethnicity Threshold % based on LDOE Average for that year x 1.5 YearLDOE AverageThreshold %(1.59% x 1.5) 2.39% %(0.93% x 1.5) 1.40% %(0.62% x 1.5) 0.93% Discrepant for 4a and/or 4b District % for SPP 4a or SPP 4a & SPP 4b is > than set threshold 7
How to Calculate SPP 4a? Calculation for 4a: Divide Total # (SWD OSS/expulsion> 10 days) by IDEA Count X 100% Year Total # SWD suspended/ expelled > 10 days IDEA Count (#SWD) Total % Total # ÷ IDEA Count x 100% LDOE Avg Threshold (LDOE Avg x 1.5) (0.62% x 1.5) Is your LEA discrepant? To be discrepant, LEA % > Threshold (10 ÷ 500) 100% = 2.0% 0.62% 0.93% YES 2.0% > 0.93% 8
How to Calculate SPP 4b? Calculation for 4b: Calculate % of SWD over 10 day rule by race/ethnicity Divide # SWD (OSS/exp > 10 days per ethnicity) by IDEA Count X 100% Year Am. Indian or Alaskan Asian Black or African Am. Hispanic/ Latino White Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Two or More Races IDEA Count Threshold Is your LEA discrepant? To be discrepant the LEA Total % > Threshold (0.93%) #%#%#%#%#%#%#%# Yes or No %002.4% % Yes (Black) No (White) (8÷500)100% (2÷500)100% 9
What is Root Cause Analysis? Root Cause is the reason or cause (one or more variables) that is leading to a specific outcome. Root Cause Analysis is a structured approach to identifying the factors (behaviors, actions, inactions, or conditions need to be changed) that resulted particular outcomes. Root Cause Analysis Process is a process involves defining the problem, investigating through gathering evidence, identifying root causes, implementing solutions and, finally, monitoring those solutions to prevent original problem. 10
Root Cause Analysis Process? Root Cause Analysis Process… 1. What was the problem? 2. What were the causes of the problem? 3. What actions should be taken to prevent the problem? ProblemCausesAction 11
Step 1: Define Problem What is the problem? The # of SWD with OSS/expulsion greater than 10 days 12
Step 2: Identify Causes 2a. Identify possible causes for a SWD to have OSS/expulsion > than 10 days? Policy Lack of PD/Training Need Alternative Consequences PBIS Fidelity Turnover of teachers 13
Step 2: Identify Causes 2b. Investigate and gather causes by variables “Breaking Down Data by SWD” Activity Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to disaggregate the individual student data to identify potential causes and/or patterns leading to the over 10 day discipline outcomes. StudentExceptionalityGenderRaceGradeSchool Total # Days Behavior Area(s) # of Behavior Incidents
Step 2: Identify Causes 2b. Investigate and gather causes by variables “Breaking Down Data by SWD” Activity Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to disaggregate the individual student data to identify potential causes and/or patterns leading to the over 10 day discipline outcomes. StudentExceptionalityGenderRaceGradeSchool Total # Days Behavior Area(s) # of Behavior Incidents 1 OHI F W9th HS 14 Skipping 3 2 MILD FW 9 th HS 12 Skipping 2 3SLD F B 10 th HS 11 Skipping 5 4 SLD F B 11 th HS 13 Skipping 3 5EDMB 12 th HS10Fighting2 15
StudentExceptionalityGenderRaceGradeSchool Total # Days Behavior Area(s) # of Behavior Incidents 1 OHI F W9th HS 14 Skipping 3 2 MILD FW 9 th HS 12 Skipping 2 3 SLD F B 10 th HS 11 Skipping 5 4 SLD F B 11 th HS 13Skipping 3 5 ED MB12 th HS10Fighting2 Looking at the data, which variable(s) do you see a pattern? 1) Exceptionality 2) Grade Level 3) Behavior Area 4) All of the Above 16
Step 2: Identify Causes 2c. Identifying patterns and/or causes by variable(s). “Identifying Patterns by Variable(s)” Activity Purpose: Review the data in chart for 2b to identify and possible patterns/causes for SWD to exceed 10 day rule by particular variable(s). VariableExplain… Gender 80% of infractions by female students Behavior 80% of behavior incidents are skipping classroom/school 17
Step 3: Action Steps What actions should be taken to prevent the problem from occurring again? 3a. List and explain district wide/school wide steps 18
Step 3: Action Steps What actions should be taken to prevent the problem from occurring again? 3a. List and explain district wide and/or school wide steps TrainingMentorsPhysical Barriers Set up mentor program for students that SKIP School Alternative consequences for problem behaviors Build a fence, add video camera system, security guards 19
Step 3: Action Steps What actions should be taken to prevent the problem from occurring again? 3b. List and explain actions steps needed by specific variables. VariableActionWho?When?MonitorEvaluate 20
Step 3: Action Steps What actions should be taken to prevent the problem from occurring again? 3b. List and explain actions steps needed by specific variables. VariableActionWho?When?MonitorEvaluate Females Mentor program Female students who skip by female teachers trained to be mentors Start Nov. 10 th, meet weekly the 1 st month, then bi-monthly Counselor will monitor Feedback forms for students and teacher in mentor program. 21
Step 3: Action Steps What actions should be taken to prevent the problem from occurring again? 3c. List and explain actions steps needed for specific students. StudentActionWho?When?MonitorEvaluate 22
Step 3: Action Steps What actions should be taken to prevent the problem from occurring again? 3c. List and explain actions steps needed for specific students. StudentActionWho?When?MonitorEvaluate Sue Check-in/ check-out Teacher trained in program Daily Disciplinarian Weekly Jill Vo-Tech Curriculum 23
Step 5: Monitor & Evaluate Monitor and evaluate the solutions to ensure they continue to prevent the original problem. Have a process to monitor & evaluate the solutions. Refer to chart in 3b and 3c (action, who, when…) in Action Steps. 5a. Who, when, how will the variables identified in 3b be monitored & evaluate? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5b. Who, when, how will the variables identified in 3c be monitored & evaluate? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 24
*Other things to consider: student’s grades, attendance, retention rate, over age, etc… 25
Resource Activity on Barriers 26
1)Define the problem and effect 2)Identify the main categories that determine the possible causes 3)Create sub branches of the categories that represent potential causes 4) Spend time investigating each potential cause Fishbone Diagram A fishbone diagram, cause-and-effect diagram, is used to visually identify problems and their causes. 29
Category: Causes 30
Ten Alternatives to Suspension By Reece L. Peterson 1)Problem solving/contracting 2)Restitution (In-kind restitution) 3)Mini-courses or skill modules 4)Parent involvement/supervision 5)Counseling 6)Community service 7)Behavior monitoring 8)Coordinated behavior plans 9)Alternative programming 10)Appropriate in-school suspension 31
Website Resources: IRIS Center Topics: Modules | Case Studies | Activities | Information Briefs Intervention Central Topics: Motivation | Rewards | Special Needs | Bully Prevention | Schoolwide Classroom/Management | Challenging Students Behavior Doctor
Targeted Intervention: Check with your district and school BPIS Teams for targeted interventions. Behavior Skills Support Program (BSSP) is a small group intervention that focuses on skill instruction, goal-setting and mentorship to facilitate socially appropriate behavior among students at-risk for developing chronic behavior problems. The mentor provides students with positive adult interactions and ongoing behavioral support. The Behavior Education Program (BEP) consists of a daily check-in/check-out system for students who engage in repeated problem behavior. The purpose of the BEP is to provide students with clearly defined behavioral expectations, frequent positive attention, immediate feedback and reinforcement about behavior, and prompts about expectations throughout the day. Response to Intervention (RtI) is a method of academic intervention to provide early, systematic assistance to children who are having difficulty learning. 33
Disciplinary Type Code 2 – Suspension/Out-of-School: Student is temporarily prohibited from participating in school, and no provision is made for instructional/educational services during this period. 3 – Expulsion/Out-of-School: Student is removed from school for at least one semester with no provision made for instructional/educational services. (SWD are still expected to receive SPED services in accordance with federal law) This code also requires submission of an Exit Record. 4 – Suspension/In-School: Student is temporarily removed from his/her usual classroom and moved to an alternative setting/program on the same campus for a minimum of one complete school day, and no interruption of instructional/educational services occurs. 5 – Expulsion/In-School: Student is removed from his/her usual classroom and moved to an alternative setting/program on the same campus for a period of time specified by the LEA, and no interruption of instructional/educational services occurs. 6 – Suspension/Alternate Site: Student is temporarily removed from his/her usual classroom and moved to an alternative setting/program not on the same campus for a minimum of one complete school day. No interruption of instructional/educational services occurs, but the setting must be off- site. 7 – Expulsion/Alternate Site: Student is removed from his/her usual classroom and moved to an offsite alternative setting/program, not on the same campus, for at least the remainder of the school semester, with no interruption of instructional/educational services occurring. 34
Thank You!! 36
The contents of this activity were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H323A However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. 37
Questions? Please use your chat pod if you have questions related to this presentation (if time permits, we will answer them, if not please questions to contacts below) After this webinar, you may any content- related questions to Monica Ballay You may any grant-related questions to Melanie Lemoine 38
We are going to open the survey on your screen for you to offer feedback regarding this webinar When you are finished, you may exit out of the webinar If you would like to give feedback later, please do so at We Want Your Feedback! 39