Week Nine Week Nine focuses on Collecting Images and Web Page URLs to use for your final Web Page Project. Discussions on using Netscape Communicator Composer and Publishing the Web Page with a FTP program DePaul uses -- OR your own Internet Service Provider.
Activity Week Nine 1. Update your index file by adding one link pointing to one free ISP review. You must first create this ISP review using MSWord. Use the free ISP list in Activity Week Three. 2. Collect images from the internet or from a file. Use the right mouse button to open the save as options while your mouse is pointing on the image itself. 3. Save your image to a floppy. Then be sure to test the image inside the Netscape Communicator Environment to be sure it will open up with no problems. 4. If your test is good then this is an image you can use for your final project.
Activity Week Nine 1. Collect Web Page URLs using an Internet Browser like Netscape, Internet Explorer, AOL or other browsers. After you find a Web Page or Site you would like to use for your final you can save the URL address and save the page. Use File Save As to a floppy. The original Web Page or Sites name will appear in the save as option for file name. You can type in another name that helps you identify your page for later use. 2. Test your Web Page inside the Netscape Communicator Composer Environment by creating a link and entering the Web Page or Sites URL. Then test your link using the Preview option inside the Netscape Communicator Environment.
1. If this is your first Web Page on the Server. It is best to name the page: index.html then drag it inside the Public directory. 2. Use the FTP program from the DePaul lab to transfer your completed web page to the server. 3. Your URL will be: 4. This is something we will discuss during class. If you would like to try this the lab assistance should be familiar with the procedure to assist. Activity Week Nine
MORE DETAILS ON THE FTP: The first step is selecting the FTP program. Then using the proper server name as in shrike.depaul.edu then enter your ID then password. At this point you need to click on the public directory to open the public directory. Then click on your C drive and browse for your web site file name. Clicking on your web site file name will transfer the file over to the public directory. The web site file is now on the internet for everyone to access it. We will discuss this in class as a group. Activity Week Nine