Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) implemented STRLAB (reference to presentation by Maj-General Shezi of 3 June 2013) Currently testing approximately 80,000 DNA samples per annum 900 persons of interest were linked thorough DNA to cases 800 different cases were linked to each other through DNA evidence where no other evidence previously existed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill B The DNA Bill, seeks to address gaps in our current legislation dealing with the collection, storage and use of DNA evidence and to provide for the expansion and administration of a National Forensic DNA database (NFDD) Current Status
SAPS: Expansion of analysis capacity from approximately to samples per annum Sample registration at point of arrest and integration into integrated booking and exhibit management Exhibit registration of samples from crime scenes linked to exhibit management Creation of DNA database Migration of old DNA records from STRLab to DNA database Integration of DNA database to SAPS Legacy Systems DOJ&CD: Case postponement and outcome information to be integrated to SAPS to enable administration and expungement of records Impact of the DNA Bill on JCPS Cluster Information Technology Systems
DCS: Remand Offender Detainee System release notifications to be integrated to SAPS (IJS Person Tracking) IJS: Integration for Person Identity information sharing once departmental system readiness achieved Impact of the DNA Bill on JCPS Cluster Information Technology Systems (cont.)
SAPS: Capacity Expansion for DNA testing: Procured DNA analysis systems Creation of DNA database (NFDD): SAPS/SITA Tender in preparation, goal to be awarded by June Old STRLab records will be migrated to NFDD once system has been commissioned. Arrestee Samples: Initially a manual process for registration of arrestee samples, automation of registration under consideration in integrated booking process once NFDD established. Will use STRLab until new system implemented. Crime Scene Samples: electronic registration of crime scene samples in development, planned to be ready by March Integration of NFDD to SAPS Legacy Systems: To be started once NFDD established. JCPS Cluster Information Technology Systems Readiness for Bill
DOJ&CD: Case postponement and outcome information integrations: DOJ&CD Integrated Case Management System in development (SITA) to provide for electronic capture of case outcomes (FY’2014/15). Once completed, information will be integrated via the IJS to SAPS Systems. DCS: Remand Offender Detainee System: RDOMS project on hold. Once project reinitiated, integration planning will commence. IJS: Integration hub established and integrated between SAPS and DOJ&CD. Not yet integrated to DCS (RDOMS dependency). Additional integrations to be added once underlying departmental systems are ready. JCPS Cluster Information Technology Systems Readiness for Bill (cont.)
Budget Allocations ITEMFY’2013/14FY’2014/15FY’2015/16Budget SAPS: NFDD*24,314,13514,531,4646,523,370IJS Budget DNA Analysis Tools 66,539,077TBA CJS Revamp Crime Scene Sample Registration N/aTBA Covered under existing exhibit management system costs Internal Integrations N/aCovered under SAPS Services Integration Programme TOTAL90,853,21214,531,4646,523,370 *Allocations subject to finalisation of Tender process
Budget Allocations ITEMFY’2013/14FY’2014/15FY’2015/16Budget DOJ&CD: ICMSn/a Costs covered under IJS DOJ&CD case management modernisation DCS: RDOMSn/a Covered under DCS IJS budget IJS Transversal: Integrationsn/a Covered under IJS Transversal Budget TOTAL000