SERVICE MANAGER 9.2 INCIDENT MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW Service Manager 9.2 Overview August, 2011
Incident Screen – Open Incident SM Incident Management Training 2 Default CIs to “operational” CIs required on all incidents On “stand-alone” incidents, the contact is the user that opened the ticket Incidents are the result of Interactions (formerly “Calls” in Service Center) being escalated. Start by Clicking on Open New Incident in the Incident Management Navigation menu.
Incident Screen – Update Incident SM Incident Management Training 3 Added “Resolution Time” and “Method of Service – required on closure Status moves to “reassigned” if assignment group changed
Incident Screen – Key Sections SM Incident Management Training 4 Contact Information tab shows pertinent information of the Primary Contact of the first related interaction Activities section shows journal updates and updated audit fields
Updating an Existing Incident SM Incident Management Training 5 Select an existing IM ticket 1. Either perform a search for a specific IM or select one from the queue. 2. Make applicable updates such as assigning the ticket to an individual adding comments, attachments, or any other pertinent information. a. List of members of the current assignment group
Updating an Existing Incident (cont’d) SM Incident Management Training 6 a. Note that a journal of all updates is created b. Check this box if you want updates visible to customer c. Updates can be filtered by update type d. When updating history, select an update type
Closing an Incident SM Incident Management Training 7 Select an existing IM ticket 1. Either perform a search for a specific IM or select one from the queue. 2. Click “Close Incident” button. 3. Enter Resolution Time (the total amount of time spent working the ticket in.25 hr increments) 4. Enter the Method of Service 5. Enter the Solution 6. Click Save.
Access Access SM at: Supported Browsers: Internet Explorer 7 & 8 Firefox 3 & 3.5 (Windows and Mac) 8
Summary Points Service Manager Service Desk 9 Incident: the result of Interactions (formerly “Calls” in Service Center) being escalated. Visible to Customer: Within the Incident screen, Agents have the ability to choose whether or not selected Journal entries can be seen by the Customer. “Resolution Time” and “Method of Service – are required fields when closing an Incident.