E. Solano, R. Gutiérrez, B. Montesinos, C. Morales, J. García, L. Sanz LAEFF-INTA. P.O. Box 50727, Madrid (Spain) Development of a multi-mission Archive at LAEFF Astronomical archives have been built independently of each other and their remote interoperability is not easy and efficient. The simultaneous query to multiple databases is presently done, most of the times, slowly and painfully by hand as the databases are spread all over the globe with a variety of formats, access levels and policies. An uniform, multi-mission user interface to these heterogeneous data holdings is therefore an essential requirement for multi-wavelength astrophysical research. The main purpose of this project is the development of an interface that provides an easy and efficient access to astronomical databases. In a first phase, the system focuses on the integration of the UV data - INES( and EURD ( - with spectrophotometric catalogues and photometric measurements in the optical range. A further extension to other databases both of space and ground-based observatories is foreseen. In the long-term, the system is aimed at being incorporated to the VO federation, consolidating LAEFF as the reference centre for astronomical databases in Spain. In this poster, the main functionalities and contents of the system are described. Astronomical archives have been built independently of each other and their remote interoperability is not easy and efficient. The simultaneous query to multiple databases is presently done, most of the times, slowly and painfully by hand as the databases are spread all over the globe with a variety of formats, access levels and policies. An uniform, multi-mission user interface to these heterogeneous data holdings is therefore an essential requirement for multi-wavelength astrophysical research. The main purpose of this project is the development of an interface that provides an easy and efficient access to astronomical databases. In a first phase, the system focuses on the integration of the UV data - INES( and EURD ( - with spectrophotometric catalogues and photometric measurements in the optical range. A further extension to other databases both of space and ground-based observatories is foreseen. In the long-term, the system is aimed at being incorporated to the VO federation, consolidating LAEFF as the reference centre for astronomical databases in Spain. In this poster, the main functionalities and contents of the system are described. Basic information Query by: Object Name Coordinates List of Objects Date On-going and future enhancements Query by object type and/or physical parameters (magnitude, spectral type, redshift,...). Implementation of plotting facilities. Multiple retrieval. Imaging facilities. Development of tools for data evaluation and analysis. Educatonal and outreach activities. Future Access to other Archives Contacts with MAST: (non-HST UV data) GTC: OSIRIS/CANARICAM IRSA ESA: ISO Link to INES Data Server Name ResolverLink to SIMBAD FITS Header Display General Information IUE References with link to ADS