EBM from the Classroom to the Clinics - Knowledge Creation (Step 1) John Q. Wong, MD, MSc 21 Jun 2010
The EBM Cycle
The Knowledge Funnel (part of the Knowledge-to-Action Cycle)
Knowledge Creation Knowledge inquiry Knowledge synthesis Knowledge tools/products
Knowledge Inquiry First-generation knowledge Raising the clinical question
Knowledge synthesis Second-generation knowledge Aggregation and synthesis of existing knowledge Meta-analysis, systematic reviews
Knowledge tools/products Third-generation knowledge Synopses presenting knowledge in a clear, concise, and user-friendly format to facilitate uptake and application of the knowledge
The EBM-wiki Project Objective Create a wiki of evidence-based answers to clinical questions Purpose Hone critical appraisal skills Answer clinical questions
Guidelines A year-long class project One wiki for the whole class
Guidelines Group work - For each module Ask a question each on: DiagnosisTherapyPreventionPrognosis Acquire the evidence Appraise the evidence Apply the evidence
Guidelines Use the suggested templates Functions Allow people to join Track changes All modules should be represented Readers can provide feedback or discuss posted topics
Guidelines Milestones Outputs due on last day of module Outputs should be uploaded two days after they have been checked and returned
Guidelines Evaluation Part of PH grade Performed every module By EBM lecturers Criteria Significance or importance of question (25%) Critical appraisal process (50%) Application to patient (25%)
Sample wiki and website