Behavior Intervention Guidelines 1TRAC Foundations BIGs
What are BIGs? BIGs are a set of Guidelines: That are specifically developed for your program by your program’s staff Designed as a preliminary strategy for responding to common day-to-day behaviors That use predetermined responses to categorizes of problem behaviors That are based on your program’s philosophy, policies and practices. Include appropriate strategies for teaching social skill, self regulation and problem solving. TRAC Foundations BIGs2
Rationale for BIG Provides consistency among staff Reduces number of responses Quick response for new behaviors Simple process 3TRAC Foundations BIGs
How do BIGs fit with…? Positive Behavior Support Plans Behavior Intervention Guidelines Individual Universal Based on analysis of individual child’s behavior & focuses on addressing the function of the behavior. Based on age and culturally appropriate responses to typical forms of behavior. 4TRAC Foundations BIGs
How do BIGs fit with…? Social skills instruction Program Philosophy Classroom rules BIGs 5TRAC Foundations BIGs
Developing BIG Activity 8.2 6TRAC Foundations BIGs
Developing BIG There are four steps in the development and implementation of BIGs. When you get back to your programs it is recommended you allow some time for all the staff to work together to develop the guidelines. This will increase buy- in to the system and will allow you to work through any disagreements that may arise in how to handle certain behaviors. Step 1 Identify the Problem Behaviors Step 2 Categorize the Problem Behaviors Step 3 Develop a Response for the Category Step 4 Implement 7TRAC Foundations BIGs
Developing BIG Identify specific behaviors Problem behaviors inhibit socialization, interfere with the child's ability to learn, or pose a threat to health or safety. Step 1 Identify the Problem Behaviors 8TRAC Foundations BIGs
Developing BIG Group behaviors into three categories: – Aggression: Behaviors that cause harm or damage – Self-indulgent: Behaviors that are disruptive interfere with participation – Non-compliant: Failure to follow directions Step 1 Identify the Problem Behaviors Step 2 Categorize the Problem Behaviors 9TRAC Foundations BIGs
Developing BIG Responses will be developed in two areas: – When the child is not exhibiting the problem behavior – When the child is exhibiting the problem behavior Step 1 Identify the Problem Behaviors Step 2 Categorize the Problem Behaviors Step 3 Develop a Response for the Category 10TRAC Foundations BIGs
Determining Responses Responses should be based our your program philosophy and beliefs. Responses should provide care providers with appropriate and effective responses that are non- punitive and non-aversive. Responses should be appropriate for the behaviors in the category 11TRAC Foundations BIGs
Determining Responses Acknowledge the child’s feelings. Self-regulation/anger management component. Problem solving component. 12TRAC Foundations BIGs
Possible responses Ignore the behavior. Provide verbal or physical feedback. Redirect the child. Loss of privilege Time away or having the child leave an activity Provide acceptable behavior. 13TRAC Foundations BIGs
Developing BIG To be effective BIGs responses must be applied in a consistent manner by all staff with all children. As you begin to implement BIGs you may find that for a short time children's behavior may worsen. Implement the agreed upon BIGs for at least 3 months before you make changes or modifications Step 1 Identify the Problem Behaviors Step 2 Categorize the Problem Behaviors Step 3 Develop a Response for the Category Step 4 Implement 14TRAC Foundations BIGs
Review Sample BIGs Questions TRAC Foundations BIGs15
For Step 1: Identify the Problem Behaviors TRAC Foundations BIGs17
For Step 2: Categorize the Problem Behaviors TRAC Foundations BIGs18
For Step 3: Develop a Response for the Category TRAC Foundations BIGs19
Develop a chart assist with implementing your BIGs. The chart should include the title of behavior category A definition of the behavior Examples of typical behaviors in each category (These can be the behaviors staff generated during the first step of the process) How to respond when the behaviors occur How to respond when the behaviors are not occurring TRAC Foundations BIGs20
Questions about BIGs or the process of developing BIGs for their programs TRAC Foundations BIGs21