ARCSS Data Management Support Overview and Update James Moore Steve Williams NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory 3-5 October 2007
ARCSS Interim Data Management Support at NCAR/EOL Develop ARCSS data management web pages (simple extensions of existing formats) at EOL links to NSIDC and other ARCSS data locations Prepare and distribute introductory letter to all ARCSS PIs introducing new approach and structure Develop inventory of present and known future ARCSS projects in ARCSS, ANS, AON (if applicable) and possibly IPY and Social science projects Provide guidelines to PIs for metadata generation, documentation preparation, and dataset formatting
Develop a consistent Data Policy Consider Data Types Formats and Documentation (metadata) Data Collection strategies (operations support, supplementary data) Real-time Requirements ( data calibration, intercomparison, and needs for operational decision making) Data Quality Control and Processing responsibilities Data Archive structure, functions and responsibilities Data Distribution protocols (user interface, metadata inventories, browse products) Collaboration with other programs and data centers (interoperability) General Data Management Considerations
BEST 2007 Data Management Support BEST Data Archival - Next Steps: Standards Dataset documentation and Format Standard Fields (Cruise, Station, cast, bottle numbers) Informative Header (Dataset Author, version #, cruise #, variable names, units) Dates/Times in UTC Lat,Lon in decimal degrees Missing or Bad Data Flags Dataset Metadata Title, Author and Contact Info Project Name, Grant number and Funding source Dataset Overview Data Collection and Processing procedures Format, Remarks, References Keywords BEST Data Archival - Next Steps: Standards Dataset documentation and Format Standard Fields (Cruise, Station, cast, bottle numbers) Informative Header (Dataset Author, version #, cruise #, variable names, units) Dates/Times in UTC Lat,Lon in decimal degrees Missing or Bad Data Flags Dataset Metadata Title, Author and Contact Info Project Name, Grant number and Funding source Dataset Overview Data Collection and Processing procedures Format, Remarks, References Keywords
ARCSS Interim Data Management Support at NCAR/EOL (cont) Develop data tables for ARCSS datasets using established EOL procedures Archive data and metadata on EOL Data Management System (EMDAC) Prepare and present updates and reports to the AC as requested Initiate discussions and develop a strategy for transfer of ARCSS data from NSIDC to EOL and/or other long term archive Participate as appropriate in ARCSS meetings, conference calls, etc.
ARCSS Projects Archive ATLAS ITEX SHEBA BEST SBI Phase 1 SBI Phase 2 SBI Phase 3 Individual PI Datasets Others to include??