Welcome Please help yourself to breakfast and coffee/ juice. Introductions Questions Getting Started May 16
Entry 4 and Standards Tips
Entry 4 Entry 4 is primarily about what you as a teacher have done for your students in your classroom. There are many ways to positively impact a student’s life, but the NB focus is on how your actions positively impact – INCREASE – student achievement. Your actions should lead to student growth that in some way improves learning.
Entry 4 Entry 4 requires that the candidates show evidence of accomplishments during the current school year, and assessors expect to see that candidates continued activities throughout the year. Artifacts and verifications from only the first part of the year will not score well compared to evidence that spans the year up to the point of submitting. So don’t consider this entry complete too early!
Entry 4 Each accomplishment must be tied to the learning of this year’s students. Many teachers sponsor clubs or are involved in wonderful and worthwhile activities that do not, in fact, positively impact their own students. National Board wants, first and foremost, evidence of how your teaching and other activities impact your students in your classroom this year.
Entry 4 When describing accomplishments that involve parents, try to have a parent provide the evidence. A student or colleague’s verification will not carry nearly as much weight. Always focus on the impact on student learning while writing Entry 4.
Standards Read the standards for your area carefully and multiple times. Highlight and make notes of things you do already. Make a plan for improving the things you need to.
Open your Entry 4 Directions Student and Adult Release Forms Documented Accomplishments Form Look at the last 2 pages for the Activity Planner Sheet and Entry Tracking Form.
Assignment for Nov. 16 READ through standards, rubric, and instructions for each entry Send home student permission forms Get video camera in the classroom Use chart in Entry 4 to determine what to use and gather proof. Write the first draft of Entry 4 Start collecting student work samples