Tradition of the Nude in advertising— a new age of materialism and objectification.
What is the attitude this model is projecting? What is she communicating To the viewer?
Does this Playboy image remind you of any of the Renaissance nudes?
La Grande OdalisqueIngres
Who is the intended audience here?
Nudist Philosphies The body without clothes is normal and not necessarily a sexual object. The body without clothes is normal and not necessarily a sexual object. Equality – taking clothes off shows that we’re all vulnerable and equal; nobody’s perfect. Equality – taking clothes off shows that we’re all vulnerable and equal; nobody’s perfect. People have to be respected for their personhood and not merely what’s “on the outside” (material coverings) People have to be respected for their personhood and not merely what’s “on the outside” (material coverings)
Travel club Travel club
Photo Album Photo Album
A Different Kind of Cover Girl?
Naked or Nude? Naked or Nude? Is she aware of being seen? Is she aware of being seen? Yes, but who is the audience? Yes, but who is the audience? Is she posing as a sex object? Is she posing as a sex object? She’s on display but not posed in a sexualized way. Family album aesthetic. She’s on display but not posed in a sexualized way. Family album aesthetic. Why do you think she has a tattoo of a posed woman? Why do you think she has a tattoo of a posed woman?
Questions: If the rest of us are only permitted to see perfect bodies—and the rest are covered up--what message does that send us? If the rest of us are only permitted to see perfect bodies—and the rest are covered up--what message does that send us? If we are only permitted to see sexualized nudity, what message does that send us? If we are only permitted to see sexualized nudity, what message does that send us? If we only see nudity in pornography and advertising, what message does that send us? If we only see nudity in pornography and advertising, what message does that send us?
EXPLOITATIVE OR NONEXPLOITATIVE? Some artists and photographers who might interest you (WARNING: Some of these are particularly graphic): 1) Sally Mann’s photographs of her children 2) Vanessa Beecroft’s performances 4) Robert Mapplethorpe’s X Portfolio images (WARNING: GRAPHIC) 5) A true crime show that examines “evidence” (your choice) 6) News photos with graphic depictions of the body (your choice) 7) A video game that focuses on the body (your choice) 8) A film that features the body graphically (your choice) 9) An ad that features the body prominently 10) Pornographic images that do not feature nudity compared to those that do. (Discuss how you are determining what is “pornographic” and provide examples.) 11) Imagery of violence to the body that you consider to be exploitative, contrasted with images you consider to be non-exploitative (Discuss the contexts of these images and how you see them as different)
Sally Mann
Sally Mann
Love-Hate Relationship