4,180million hа Forest areas- 4,180 million hа 3,811million hа Total afforested area - 3,811 million hа 69.5 %. Broadleaved forests %. 644million м3 standing volume Total volume million м3 standing volume 44.6 %,55.4 % Distribution of timber volume by tree species - Coniferous – 44.6 %, Broadleaved– 55.4 % 14,4 million м3 Average annual increment - 14,4 million м million м3 Harvested timber in million м3 76 %( ha) State– 76 % ( ha) 12,5% ( ha) Municipal – 12,5% ( ha) 11.5% ( ha) Private physical persons and legal entities, religious – 11.5% ( ha) Bulgarian forests:
HISTORY: Restitution Support Fairness The change of the forests ownership is on the agenda
Membership in ЕU: Flexible low Education € Financing State Heavy low Owners and incomes
THE NEW/OLD OWNERS HAD EXPECTED... Regulation of relations in joint activities Simplified procedures for using (timber harvesting) Sufficient information Effective protection Respect of interests Financial support Good legislation Fair reinstatement Advises and consultations
THE SOCIETY WANTED MORE CHANGES: Politicians NGOs Owners World Citizens Mayors State Business
Sustainable management Public interests and owners’ rights Social tasks Market competition The forest reorganization Goals
What are the main principles changed by the new forest low? Land ownership and owners’ rights; Forest management planning at three levels; Forest management planning at three levels; Reorganization of the forestry sector; The management of municipal and private forests is arranged; The management of municipal and private forests is arranged; Legal framework about afforestation works, felling, erosion control activities; Facilitate the business in forests; Regulates the access to forests; Transfer of rights and responsibilities for forest protection to forest owners and to State Forest Enterprises Activities of the professional branch organizations Introduction of forest ecosystem services regulation New functions and requirements
Forest productive functions: Annual increment and felling: Mean annual increment per 1 ha – 3.9 м3 Natural regeneration and felling with long regeneration period Timber harvesting:
Main management goal is forest planning by management of the biological increment, felling planning, methods of regeneration and thinning Management – Pursuit of higher incomes and holding out opportunities for decreasing of expenses: research and analysis of the forests condition, production concept and annual planning, etc. Problems – personal reasons like age, health etc. protection of forests, forest fires and forest drying out, timber celling (timber market), slow development of municipal management structures, lack of interest in forest inheritors, condition of forests, road construction etc. Management of non-state forests:
Contribution energy supply low-carbon economy Protection of resources Rural Development Challenges: Guideline Ensuring sustainable and competitive development of the forestry sector, in accordance with the principles of multifunctional forestry
Problems: Establishment of lasting management contractual relations Communication with other stakeholders in the forest sector The legal framework is still incomplete Unsatisfactory level of competence and insufficient training of staff Poorly performed technical activities in the restitution and continuous changes in the fund ownership of land Forest protection Timely support more...
WHAT ARE THE NEEDS OF THE OWNERS TODAY Information Technological innovation Consultations, advices and services Competence and honesty by forestry professionals Technical innovation
In our meeting with the owner...
He expects us to protect the public interest and to be familiar with the law...!
To deal with clerical culture "memorandum" Lows, Regulations, Ordinances directions, directions Forest government official
Thank you for the attention! Cenko Cenov Ph.D. Director “Forests and Forestry” Directorate Executive Forest Agency Sofia 1040, 55 “Hristo Botev” Blvd.
New realities: There was a diversity in the forest ownership in Bulgaria – 76% State-owned; 12.5 % municipally owned; 11.5 % - private, as the process of restitution was almost finished; There was a market economy in Bulgaria, as over 90 % of the forest activities were implemented by non-state entities;; There were numerous analysis (national, World Bank, EBRD), that showed the main drawbacks in the Bulgarian forest sector, and recommendations for their overcoming; A Strategy for the development of the forest sector and Strategic Plan for its implementation to 2013 were adopted, as they stated the necessity of Forest Sector reorganization
Future challenges: Recognition of the vital role of forests as a tool, subject and object of the processes and consequences of climate change mitigation Strengthening the public interest in forests, as a source of ecosystem goods and services that should be sustainably managed. Over 70% of the NATURA 2000 network in the country affects forest areas; Improving the transparency in the management of state and other forest ownership, creating conditions for decentralization and public administration acts with all stakeholders; Establishment of legal preconditions and guarantees for the development of forest industry of the country, overcoming the "shadow" sector and expanding the share of energy from renewable sources; Protect the interests of residents in forest regions (demographics)
Sustainable management: Recognition of the forest social functions; Prevent the reduction of the area of forests; Preserving the operational, short-term planning and introduction of long-term regional planning; Establishment of financial instruments for re-investment, revalue and conservation of forests; Encouraging of forest certification; Legal public involvement and participation in planning and decision-making, dialogue with NGOs
Public interests and owners’ rights : Equality of different types of ownership; Reduction of the administration and decentralization of responsibilities; Introduction of regulations for conservation and protection of forests; Introduction of clear and appropriate models of resources use and access to forests; Contemporary regulations for land relations in forest areas; Flexibility and adaptability through specialized regulations
Social tasks: Support of non-state owners; Stimulate the investments in forestry, resp. creation of workplaces by broadening of possibilities for long-term contracts and public-private partnership; Increasing of the personal responsibilities by transferring of duties and responsibilities from State to registered foresters and forest owners Regulation of relations with branch organizations; preference for meticulous and local operators
Market competition: Regulation of non-exclusive, vital management of state forests; Establishment of independent state control structures for all forests; Development of private initiative and business opportunities in forestry by reduction of bureaucracy (administrative procedures) and diversification of incomes; Determination of ways for forest management of municipally-owned and privately-owned forests ; Protection of land productivity and profitability;
Rights of ownership: Protection of forest area Protection of investments Limited possibility for sale of state-owned forest areas; Possibility for renting and leasing of forest areas; Construction rights on forest areas with no change of land designation; Market mechanisms – purchase, sale, exchange; Condition for change of land designation is to have approved General management plans; Ban on change of land designation after land exchange;
Land relations: Limited possibility for sale of state-owned forest areas; Possibility for renting and leasing of forest areas; Construction rights on forest areas with no change of land designation; Market mechanisms – purchase, sale, exchange; Condition for change of land designation is to have approved General management plans; Ban on change of land designation after land exchange; Protection of forest area Protection of investments
Поземлени отношения: Създадена е възможност държавното предприятие да може да предоставя под аренда и наем държавни горски територии. Ежегодно със заповед на Министъра се определят началните цени за публичните процедури. Под тази форма може да се предоставят горски разсадници за производство на фиданки. Регламентиран е редът за правото на строеж върху горските територии без промяна на предназначението на земята. Това се отнася най-вече за електропроводи, съобщителни линии и други съоръжения на техническата инфраструктура. Предвидено е с този закон да се учредява право на строеж на стабилизирани горски пътища и сгради с горскостопанско предназначение, което не беше регламентирано в досега действащия закон. Регламентиран е и реда за учредяване на сервитути (право на преминаване). Ограничени са възможностите за учредяване на правото на ползване и то се свежда до две възможности – за търсене и проучване на подземни богатства и за предоставяне ползването на училища, научни институти, и юридически лица на бюджетна издръжка. Оставена е възможността за промяна на предназначението за автомагистрали, пътища, гробищни паркове, язовири, депа за отпадъци, както и за трасета на линейни обекти и обекти за националната сигурност и отбраната. Разширяване границите на населените места и селищни образование е възможно при спазване на следния ред: Приет общ устройствен план, продажба на територията на търг и последваща процедура за промяна на предназначението, което се различава съществено от досегашния ред.
Management: Functions and categories of forest areas Three levels of planning Three levels of planning `Sylvicultural practice and activities National Forest Inventory Mean-term goals Broad public participation
Restructuring: Status Management Functions Rights and responsibilities Financing Executive Forest Agency State Enterprises
Изпълнителна агенция: 1. подпомага разработването и координира изпълнението на Националната стратегия за развитие на горския сектор; 2. разработва Стратегически план за развитие на горския сектор; 3. организира разработването и контролира изпълнението на областните планове за развитие на горските територии; 4. организира инвентаризацията на горските територии; 5. контролира разработването и изпълнението на горскостопанските планове; 6. организира разработването и контролира изпълнението на плановете за управление на природните паркове; 7. създава и поддържа информационна система за горските територии и дейностите в тях; 8. изпълнява инвестиционната програма на Министерството на земеделието и храните за горскостопански дейности; 9. изпълнява международни и национални програми и проекти в областта на горското стопанство; 10. участва в работата на помощните органи на Европейската комисия, подпомагащи дейността й в областта на горското стопанство, и осъществява връзки с други международни организации; 11. контролира изпълнението на закона и упражнява общ надзор и методическо ръководство върху дейността на всички органи и лица, на които са възложени задължения по него; 12. дава информация, извършва консултации и предоставя административни услуги на граждани и собственици на гори, на юридически лица и органи на държавната власт по въпроси, свързани с горското стопанство; 13. подпомага собствениците на гори в случаите, предвидени в закона; 14. координира и контролира защитата и опазването на горите, горския семеконтрол, научноизследователската и инженерно-внедрителската дейност; 15. осъществява взаимодействие с неправителствени организации за обезпечаване на участието им при формиране и изпълнение на държавната политика в областта на горското стопанство; 16. изпълнява и други дейности, възложени със закон или с решение на Министерския съвет.
Municipal and private: Status Structures Functions Rights and responcabilities obligations to management Equal powers Partnerships and projects
Municipal: 1.By the Municipal forestry structures, organized in one of the following form: а) Forestry unit as part of the municipal administration; б) company in which the municipality is the sole shareholder; c) municipal enterprise in the meaning of the Municipal Property Act. 2. By State Forestry and Hunting Units on the basis of contract; 3. By registered physical persons or legal entities, on the basis of contract. (2) The choice is made by Decision of the Municipal council; (3) When the municipal forest ownership is more than 1500 ha then the management of forest is done either by the municipal forestry unit or by Municipal forest company; [p.1, a) or b)]
Private: 1.Independently, when they are in the public Register 2.By assigning of: а) state forestry units and state hunting units; б) municipal forestry units; в) physical persons and legal trade entities included in the registers
Branch associations: National Brach associations Establishment, rights and responsibilities, Scope of activities Co-activities
Branch association: National branch association Establishment, rights and responsibilities, Scope of activities Co-activities business relation - Administration protection of interests education and Training collection and provision of information
Ecosystem services/benefits: which are the ecosystem services? which are the ecosystem services? determining the services/benefits, terms and conditions for compensation of owners Regulation of social benefits/ services incomes from non-timber forest resources additional motivation of owners
Ecosystem services: 1. Erosion control activities, protection against avalanches and floods; 2. Water regulation and purification; 3. Maintenance of biodiversity; 4. Absorption of sounds and pollutants, shielding and maintenance of microclimate;; 5. Provision of conditions for recreation and tourism; 6. Maintenance of the traditional landscape; 7. Protection of natural and cultural heritage; 8. Protection of infrastructure; 9. Climate regulation.
Main forest functions: Protection of soils, water resources and air; Maintenance of forest ecosystems’ biodiversity; Provision of social, educational, scientific and recreational benefits; Protection of natural and cultural heritage; Production of timber and non-timber forest products; Climate regulation.
Forest planning: Forest strategy and national strategic plan; Regional plan for development of forests areas; Forest management plan and programme
Sylvicultural practice: 1. Planning and organization of afforestation activities; 2. Tree marking;; 3. Development of: а) ToRs for Forest management plans and inventory of forest areas; б) Forest management plans and inventory of forest areas; в) ToRs, projects, plans and programmes about erosion and torrential control activities and land restoration; 4. Planning and organization of timber harvesting; 5. Planning and organization of harvesting of non-timber forest products; 6. Development of forest roads projects
Sylvicultural activities 1.Management of forest areas 2.Timber harvesting 3.Inventory of forest areas 4.Development of forest management plans and programmes
Exercise of forestry practice nr Registered traders nr Forestry practice and registered traders