Networking Activity on Beams for European Neutrino Experiments BENE-Next ….. MEGLIO? Motivation Work Packages Partners & resources First ideas for the proposal within the “CARE-Next” of a deputy coordinator (accelerators physics): M. Meddahi/CERN deputy coordinator (particle physics): S. Pascoli/Durham coordinator: V. Palladino/INFN-NA
2 “BENE-Next” interests across “CARE-Next”
3 Wider view of “BENE-Next” interests BENE Next EU R&D HARP, HIPPI, MICE, MERIT, EMMA ….. FP7 CARENext R&D US MuCool, MTA MCTF FFAGs INO CNGS+ FP6 EUrisol WP FP7 EuroNeutrino DS EU DS CNGS NuMI JPARC ʋ FNAL To DUSEL ISS &IDS NuMI+ NuMi++ JPARC ʋ + T2HK T2KK R&D Asia Facilities under Design Studies Existing Facilities
4 BENE integrates and co-ordinates the activities of the accelerator and particle physics communities working together, in a worldwide context, dedicated to the study of a forefront neutrino beam facility for Europe. The final objectives are to establish a road map for upgrade of our present facility & design and construction of a new one; to assemble a community capable of sustaining the technical realization and scientific exploitation of these facilities; to establish and propose the necessary R&D efforts to achieve these goal. A final report is due in December FR 2008 will be there, but time scale is really 2012, rather excellent record: HARP, MICE, MERIT, FP6Beta Beam, ISS more work essential, harmonize further legitimate national interests rich landscape of multiple international projects, no final statement mature yet, nor necessary How far will BENE get? FP7EuroNeutrino, ISS&IDS, JRAs? more? main result so far : recognition by Council Strategy Document mid 2006
5 for EU to keep a leading accelerator neutrino program in line with CERN Council Strategy Document EU infrastructure of neutrino accelerator sources to improve EU infrastructure of neutrino accelerator sources ie CNGS, latest & most intense in 40 years or so at CERN conventional by conventional (M)MW upgrade (Superbeam: CNGS+ …. ) novel or novel approach upgrade (Betabeam or ʋ -Factory) while international context grows richer NuMI up & running, soon JPARC ʋ R&D & DS increasing for novel and stronger ν beams an FP7 Networking Activity is felt crucial to pursue & enhance integration & coherence of all initiatives to assess & disseminate the knowledge continuing BENE line of successes (last EURO ʋ Design Study of the three leading options above) 2012 road map with main deliverable its 2012 road map Final Scientific Report one year after completion of EUROν most likely time for new EU HEP initiatives Motivation of BENE-Next
6 Resulting objectives Improving our EU accelerator complex for ʋ physics Improving our EU accelerator complex for ʋ physics demands to demands to –Link & assess the experience of neutrino facilities, either operating – in construction- or study (Euro ʋ ) –Perform the communication among the various R&D initiatives, both in the IA and in the wider community. –Foster intellectual excellence, offer space to new ideas – ensure the dissemination. –Consolidate the community that will be sustaining these facilities. cherish and promote consensus! –Contribute, to the optimal EU road map towards both improved and new accelerator neutrino facilities.
7 Work Packages WP1: Management of the network WP2: Accelerator Neutrino R&D (subsystems). WP3: Accelerator Neutrino Facilities (end-to-end) WP4: Physics reach
Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 Coord. meetings / workshops NANFNANFNANFNANFNA Reports NF NF NA NF NF NA Tasks overall guidelines contractual, financial and administrative aspects use, dissemination and protection of the knowledge Deliverables : Web Sites of the NA and WPs Yearly, 1 to 2 NA + 1 NF (the established International NuFact) Workshop. Proceedings and/or Web Sites. New R&D Proposals, if they prove necessary Mid-term Sctientific Report after 2 years Final “road map” Scientific Report WP1: Management & Coordination
9 9 covers FP7 activities & related worldwide efforts (candidate WP Leader tbc) Assessment & dissemination tasks for R&D on subsystems : High power proton injectors[M. Zito/CEA] Multi MW target and collectors [C. Densham/RAL/M. Dracos/IN2P3] High field magnets[TaskLeader tbd] RF techniques R. Seviour, Daresbury Ionisation cooling[ [TaskLeader tbd ] Radioactive ions technologies[TaskLeader tbd] Acceleration & storage (FFAG & more) [TaskLeader tbd] Communication: IA, NA and WP Workshops Deliverables: communication with all activities, assessments of the interests of the findings of the IAs for neutrino facilities and foresight of studies towards new technologies, summarised in Workshops Proceedings, Mid-term and Final reports. WP2: Accelerator ʋ R&D (sub-systems)
1 Performance of CNGS and its upgrades [candidate TL tbc] 2 EURO ʋ & other international DS [candidate TL tbc] Communication: WP workshops within NA workshops or as necessary, in phase with other European and international partners. Deliverables: WP Workshops with web sites or proceedings. Link and summary of main findings in Mid-term and Final Reports. Assess & disseminate “end-to-end” knowledge and experience (candidate WP Leader tbc) WP3: Accelerator ʋ Facilities (end-to-end)
NB Preliminary formulation, to be finalized by WP convenors and physics deputy. The physics connection remains decisive in the neutrino sector, as it is for BENE. Objectives will be 1)raising wide awareness of the main experimental, phenomenological and theoretical progresses 2)bringing about a consensual evaluation of the physics reach of existing and of currently proposed arrangements of neutrino beam & detector type. Physics and phenomenology connection[task lead tbd] Experimentation at CNGS and its upgrades [task lead tbd] Experimentation at Euro ʋ facilities [task lead tbd] Experimentation at other international facilities [task lead tbd] Communication : WP workshops within NA workshops or as necessary, in phase with other European and international partners. Deliverables : WP Workshops with web sites or proceedings. Link and summary of main findings in Mid-term and Final Reports. (A. Donini/UAMadrid, M. Mezzetto/INFN-PD) WP4: Physics Reach Possible task leaders Thomas Schwetz, Olga Mena, F. Terranova, G. DeLellis, F. Sanchez, A. Cervera, JJ Gomez, S. King and certainly many more. Main players in the IDS Patrick Huber, Pilar Hernandez, Walter Winter should be consulted regularly
12 kernel: 13 nodes in BENE All most important EU Labs/Agencies INFN, CERN, CCLRC, CEA, IN2P3, IFIC, PSI, GSI, Julich and a few consortia of universities in Belgium, CH, UK, Germany, (in addition to those around INFN, IN2P3, IFIC) renewing or establishing partnerships now Partners and resources
Partners and resources: tentative! WP1WP2WP3WP4 INFN XXXX IN2P3 XXX CERN XXXX SFTC XXX CEA-Saclay XXX MPI-Heidelberg & al D X IFIC Valencia & al S XX UniGe & al. CH XXX ICLondon & al UK XXXX FZH (Julich) XX GSI XX PSI XX Louvain X Sofia X Cracow & al ? X TOTAL 600 good value expected 15 nodes ! almost all grouping several labs participation is vital networking resources across the full CARE-Next initiative (WG1/2/3) keep a large and representative forum active assembling a community, attracting newcomers, fostering consensus
14 A highly preliminary 4 years plan