WebCCTV 1 Contents Introduction Getting Started Connecting the WebCCTV NVR to a local network Connecting the WebCCTV NVR to the Internet Restoring the WebCCTV NVR Storage & Bandwidth considerations Security Policy Troubleshooting
WebCCTV 2 WebCCTV NVR to the Internet Accessing the WebCCTV NVR over Internet Before starting with this module, please read the previous module : ‘ Accessing the WebCCTV on a LAN ’ It will make the concepts used in this module, more comprehensive.
WebCCTV 3 Accessing the WebCCTV NVR over Internet 2 situations ‘ Initiator of the connection ’ is the key concept 1.Outgoing Data WAN IP Address WebCCTV NVR to the Internet
WebCCTV 4 Accessing the WebCCTV NVR over Internet 2 situations ‘ Initiator of the connection ’ is the key concept 2.Incoming Data WAN IP Address WebCCTV NVR to the Internet
WebCCTV 5 Accessing the WebCCTV NVR over Internet Router & Firewall Firewall Is a piece of software that takes care of guarding the network communications at the perimeter of a network. Sometimes the term ‘ Firewall ’ refers to the machine performing firewall tasks. This is confusing and in fact incorrect : it ’ s not a piece of hardware but a program running on that hardware. Router Is a piece of hardware that embodies the physical connection between two different networks (i.e. your local area network and the Internet). It redirects ( “ routes ” ) data so that it arrives at the correct place. A router is thus a hardware device, but its functionality is controlled by software that runs on the router. Router software can have firewall capabilities. As an example, most broadband routers (ADSL, SDSL, cable modems, etc … ) nowadays have firewall capabilities and are also being used as such. WebCCTV NVR to the Internet
WebCCTV 6 Accessing the WebCCTV NVR over Internet Configuring the Firewall The following ports need to be opened for connections going towards a WebCCTV NVR : TCP Port 80 : http traffic = web pages TCP port 1518 : WebCCTV Control Connection UDP ports 4096 through 4224 : WebCCTV video streaming Configuring the Router The router that forms the connection between the corporate network and the Internet, needs to know to which internal computer it has to send this network traffic : Web resource for different brand router setup : Web resource for networking tips : WebCCTV NVR to the Internet