The Role of Government Part 4-Lesson 1
Introduction In Australia there are three levels of Government: Federal State Local It’s only been about 30 years since all levels of Government have created laws and regulations in attempt to manage the environment
Introduction Some environmental issues that require some government regulation or management include: Sustainable development Exploration Mining Environmental Planning Air and water quality management Land use and rehabilitation
Introduction Sustainable Development is the main aim of Government. To allow the growth of business, populations, employment, wealth and standards of living without destroying rare resources, species or ecosystems.
Ecologically Sustainable Development This can be achieved by implementing the following principles and programs: Precautionary Principle Intergenerational equity Conservation of biological diversity Improved valuation, pricing and incentive mechanisms Governments are supposed to ensure that all individuals, organisations and companies who submit plans follow these principals of sustainable development
Ecologically Sustainable Development Precautionary Principle This states that if there is not sufficient scientific evidence or certainty that the environment is at serious or irreversible damage, this cannot be used to excuse not attempting to reverse damage. Leatch v National Parks and Wildlife Service (30) was the second NSW case to apply the precautionary principle. This was a 'merits' appeal against the granting of a license to Shoalhaven City Council to 'take and kill' endangered fauna from an area where a road was proposed to be constructed. The third party objector claimed that the precautionary principle should be applied to refuse the license because of scientific uncertainty surrounding the effects on endangered fauna following from the road construction, particularly on the giant burrowing frog and the yellow bellied glider.
Ecologically Sustainable Development Intergenerational equity The health, diversity and productivity of the environment should be maintained or improved by the present generation for the benefit of future generations. The reason that intergenerational equity is a key principle of sustainable development is that inequities are a cause of environmental degradation.
Ecologically Sustainable Development Conservation of biological diversity The conservation of ecosystems and the populations and varieties of species within them should be a fundamental consideration Improved valuation, pricing and inventive mechanisms Environmental factors should be included in the valuation of assets and services.
Ecologically Sustainable Development Governments are supposed to ensure that all individuals and organisations adhere to these principals and can decide whether or not to allow activities or constructions to go ahead without hard scientific evidence.
Ecologically Sustainable Development Environmental Impact Statements (EIS’s) need to be conducted by scientists to measure the current state of an environment and predict the likely effects of a proposed activity. This includes impacts on: Air Water Noise Traffic
Ecologically Sustainable Development Once this has been conducted the relevant government body then considers whether or not to approve the activity. What do you think are some of that factors which may affect this?
Ecologically Sustainable Development Since 1998 every local council in NSW has been required to prepare comprehensive State of the Environment (SOE) reports which summarise key environmental issues, threats and action plans occurring in the shire. Central Darling Shire SOE
Ecologically Sustainable Development These local SOE Reports are collected by State Government who then determine its main environmental problems and plans on a State wide basis. The Federal Government regulates environmental issues of nationwide significance such as salinity, soil erosion and greenhouse emissions. Despite the level of government involvement, sustainable development remains a goal rather than an achievement. Why do you think this is the case?
Ecologically Sustainable Development It’s very difficult because different people have different viewpoints. For example a developer’s livelihood relies on building new things while conversationalists believe the environment is more important… Who should we listen to?
Ecologically Sustainable Development Many other groups within communities also have viewpoints which need to be considered. For example farmers, tourism operators, miners, forestry workers and townships rely on certain activities which may have a negative impact on the environment. So who makes the decision?
Ecologically Sustainable Development Decisions are usually made by politicians to please voters. What do you think the outcome of this may be? Often the quality of the environment suffers because public voters want progress, industry and employment and are willing to sacrifice the environment to get these.
Ecologically Sustainable Development The only way governments will favour the environment over development is if the voting public attaches importance to environmental issues. A good example of this was the Franklin Dam proposal in Tasmania.
Ecologically Sustainable Development Activity Read and discuss ‘The Franklin Dam’ section on pg 74 Prelim Spotlight Text
Review In Australia there are three levels of Government: Federal State Local Sustainable Development is the main aim of Government. To allow the growth of business, populations, employment, wealth and standards of living without destroying rare resources, species or ecosystems. Decisions are usually made by politicians to please voters The only way governments will favour the environment over development is if the voting public attaches importance to environmental issues.
Homework Read pages Prelim Spotlight Text Update Electronic Vocab Complete DOT Point 4.1 pg 51
The Role of Government Part 4-Lesson 2
Review In Australia there are three levels of Government: Federal State Local Sustainable Development is the main aim of Government. To allow the growth of business, populations, employment, wealth and standards of living without destroying rare resources, species or ecosystems. Decisions are usually made by politicians to please voters The only way governments will favour the environment over development is if the voting public attaches importance to environmental issues.
Federal and State Environmental Policies Activity Complete Activity 2.21 on page 75 Prelim Spotlight Text together Activity Look at The Central Darling Shires SOE Report and discussCentral Darling Shires SOE
Homework Complete ‘To Think About’ pg 76 Prelim Spotlight Text