APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill SSPCNSV Installation ●Steps needed to install PCNSV on VMware ESX server 3.5 ●Mount CD ●Copy files ●Run Installation Script ●Open network ports ●Run Configuration Script
APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill Install CD and mount the CD VMware is Linux based. There should be a mount point under the root director In this example the mount point is /mnt/cdrom The command to mount the CD is Mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom ( there is a space between cdrom and the / ) To unmount Umount /mnt/cdrom.
APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill Files found on CD.
APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill Copy files to temp directory In this case I copied the files to a directory called downloads From within the CD directory the command is CP * /downloads (this copies all file from the CD directory to the downloads directory) Note You don’t need to copy the files onto the harddrive. The installation can be run from the mounted CDROM.
APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill Run the installation./install.sh You must be in the directory that hold the install.sh file or enter the entire path. Select the proper number of instances required
APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill Select the desired installation directory The default is /opt/APC/PowerChute VMware is case sensitive
APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill Select the desired installation of JAVA You can use one already installed on the system or use the bundled I recommend the bundled.
APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill Once the installation is complete network ports need to be opened to allow communications to the UPS and via Internet Explore Note: apcups is a profile being created to allow access to these setting via VMware client application. “esxcfg-firewall -o 3052,udp,in,apcups” “esxcfg-firewall -o 3052,udp,out,apcups” “esxcfg-firewall -o 3052,tcp,in,apcups” “esxcfg-firewall -o 3052,tcp,out,apcups” “esxcfg-firewall -o 6547,tcp,in,apcups” “esxcfg-firewall –o 80,tcp,in,apcups” “esxcfg-firewall –o 80,tcp,out,apcups” “esxcfg-firewall –q”
APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill After opening the ports the program need to be configured. Run the PCNSConfig.sh file that is found in /opt/APC/PowerChute/group1./PCNSConfig.sh
APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill Select the type of configuration Single, Multiple, Parallel
APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill Enter the IP Address of the UPS
APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill Enter the User Name, Password, and Authentication Phrase Authentication phrase is admin, user, phrase
APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill Access the PCNS client via Internet Explore as with any Windows system.
APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill How to Uninstall CD to /opt/APC/PowerChute Run the uninstall script./uninstall
APC by Schneider Electric– Bill Pasquill If help in needed with configuring virtual clients shutting down please refer to this VMware kbase