Improvement of Road Network for Development of Rural Cross Border Area – AGRAS
Project Acronim: AGRAS Project duration: 15 months Priority axis: 1. Enhancement of cross- border economic development Measure: 1.1. Economic development
Lead partner: Region of Central Macedonia Project partner: Centre for Development of the South-East Planning Region Total Budget: ,00 EUR MK Budget: 109, EUR
To create strong basis for improvement of the infrastructure in both regions, South East region- Republic of Macedonia and Region of Central Macedonia- Republic of Greece. This will offer improvement of life in the cross border area and opportunities for better economic development
Obtaining valuable data trough the Opportunity Study for improvement of the road infrastructure in the South-East planning region and Technical documentation for the local road Gjavato- Grchisthe which will contribute to better economic development of the region Development of the tourism opportunities and improvement of fruit commerce in the area Pella through the road from the city Edessa to the borders of Florina Prefecture proposed in the Technical study.
Analysis of the infrastructure in the SE region and preparation of the Opportunity Study for improvement of the road infrastructure in the South-East planning region; Organization of public debates in 10 municipalities in the South-East planning region. All interested parties will be invited and the existing infrastructure will be analyzed; The analysis will be used for preparing of the strategic document – Opportunity Study
Preparation of the Technical Documentation for the Local road Gjavato– Grchishte located between the municipalities Bogdanci and Valandovoin the South- East planning region in the Republic of Macedonia Organization of seminar, study visit and final conference
Preparation of Technical Study for the completion of the road from Edessa to the borders of Florina Prefecture, part from the axis Thessaloniki – Edessa
Providing appropriate visibility of the activities of the project through web page, promotional leaflets, banners, info boards, advertisements and interviews.
Created strategic document – Opportunity Study for improving of the road infrastructure in the South-East planning region, printed and disseminated to the interested municipalities, regions and ministries; Created Technical Documentation for the local road Gjavato-Grchishte which will be used for a future construction of the road Gjavato- Grchishte.This will contribute to the improvement of the local road infrastructure;
Improvement of the knowledge and exchange of experience with experts form Greece in order to improve the conditions of the road network in the South-East planning region and study visit on spot in the Region of Central Macedonia Increasing and improving of the cross-border cooperation and partnership between the two neighbor countries.
IPA Country: South East planning region (Bogdanci, Bosilovo, Valandovo, Vasilevo, Gevgelija, Dojran, Konche, Novo Selo, Radovis, Strumica ); Member State: Region of Central Macedonia All the citizens from the regions that use the road daily, for trade of goods, as well as tourists, visitors, those commuting to and from region etc.