IP Security IP sec IPsec is short for Internet Protocol Security. It was originally created as a part of IPv6, but has been retrofitted into IPv4. It works OK in a private internet with no NAT, but it does not cross NAT very well. IPsec works great in IPv6 because there is no NAT to break it. IPsec provides communication between different device configurations. Client to server Server to server Network to network Provides authentication The users and clients are authenticated before establishing a connection. Confirmation that the client is the real client and not a hacker.
IP Security IPsec is used to authenticate and encrypt data. This provides both privacy for your connections and also confirms you are communicating. 1.IPsec is an important protocol to understand 2.IPsec improvements 3.Security Association 4.Protocols used in IPsec 5.IPsec Modes 6.Types of connections 7.Authentication methods 8.Group policy
IP Security Prevents ease dropping Monitoring of your communication by a third party is not good. IPsec encrypts the data. Repay attack A hacker can attempt to record the data and play it back later. Replaying of data is impossible with IPsec. Data tampering This occurs when data is added, removed, or changed in the communication stream. IPsec can detect if the data stream has been altered in any way and prevents data tampering attacks.
IP Security IPsec has been integrated with Windows Firewall. This makes it easier to configure and secure. Situation: You allow a remote server to connect through your firewall to your server. A virus infects the computer on the remote end and attempts to attack your computer using the same connection. IPsec was added to the firewall. The port used by IPsec is allowed through the firewall and would cause your computer to become infected.
IP Security Any data traveling over an IP sec connection will need to pass through the Windows firewall. This virus in this scenario will be blocked. Integrating IPsec with Windows Firewall 2008 can be set up quickly and easily using IPv6. IPsec integrates with NAP (Network Access Protection). It is a system that makes sure that your network is safe by performing health checks on your computer. If it doesn’t pass the health check, then your computer will download software over the Internet to make it current.
IP Security IPsec now uses NAP Certificates to provide encryption and authentication. IPsec provides improvements for load balancing and clustering support. More encryption algorithms helps Windows connect to different devices on the network. IPsec is an open standard so a lot of non Microsoft devices on the market use IPsec.