SECONDARY MATHEMATICS CURRICULUM RENEWAL Interdepartmental Meeting: November 12 th, 2010
The purpose of this blog is to keep math teachers updated with resources and information to assist with the implementation of the renewed math curriculum. Once you subscribe to this blog, you will receive an update each time the website is updated. GSCS High School Math Website
Renewed Secondary Mathematics Information for Parents, Guardians, and Students GSCS Parent & Student Website
Password protected parent & student access to resources for elementary math, Math Makes Sense 9 and MathWorks 10 Coming soon – Pearson’s F & PC 10 Student Text Registration instructions on the Parent & Student Website GSCS Math Learning Community
Mathematics 9Math 11Math 21 Workplace & Apprenticeship 10 Workplace & Apprenticeship 20 Workplace & Apprenticeship 30 Foundations of Mathematics & Pre-Calculus 10 Foundations of Mathematics 20 Foundations of Mathematics 30 Pre-Calculus 20Pre-Calculus 30Calculus 30
Mathematics 90 Foundations of Mathematics & PreCalculus 10 Foundations of Mathematics 20 Foundations of Mathematics 30 PreCalculus 20PreCalculus 30 Workplace and Apprenticeship 10 Workplace and Apprenticeship 20 Workplace and Apprenticeship 30
Modified Math In the future, modified math courses will be developed. Surveys will be conducted to figure out what math these students need. The plan is to have a resource created (for Grade 10 and 11 only). In the meantime, continue offering Math 11 and 21 for students who legitimately require a modified program.
Pathway Options In Grade 10, students are strongly encouraged to take both math courses: Workplace and Apprenticeship Mathematics 10 Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10 In Grade 11, students can choose which pathway they would like to pursue. Students can take more than one pathway. Students need a 20 level math course to graduate.
French Immersion Update Students in the French Immersion program will continue to take Math 90, WA 10 & FM 10 in French to acquire the credits required for a Bilingual Diploma. After the 10 level math courses, they will join the English math courses at the 20 level. We may explore offering French 20 and 30 level math courses in the future. If a student is unsuccessful in one of the French math courses, they may be able to obtain an additional French credit by taking a course on-line.
FAQ’s The Ministry has posted responses to "frequently asked questions" about Secondary Mathematics curriculum renewal on their website. The FAQ document is online (see related documents) at: (The chart in #15 will be helpful for students transitioning from the old to new curriculum)
Phasing out of Math Courses Math 20 cannot be offered after the 2010 – 2011 school year Math A30, Math B30 and Math C30 cannot be offered after the school year
GSCS Cyber School Math Courses Currently offering: Math 90 Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 Workplace and Apprenticeship 10 Plans to develop for next year: Foundations of Mathematics 20 Pre-Calculus 20
Foundations of Mathematics 20 Information & Resources Foundations 20 and 30 resources are being developed by Nelson. The “Foundations 11” resource will be published in April Resource components and sample chapters be found at the following web link: Subscribe for updates at the following site:
Pre-Calculus 20 Information & Resources Pre-Calculus 20 and 30 resources will be developed by McGraw-Hill Ryerson. To view a sample chapter of the “Pre-Calculus 11” student edition and teacher resource, please follow the link: /information_center_view0 /sample_material.htmlhttp://highered.mcgraw- /information_center_view0 /sample_material.html
Workplace & Apprenticeship 20 Information & Resources Pacific Educational Press is developing the Workplace & Apprenticeship 20 and 30 level resources as well.
Jigsaw – 20 level Math Curriculums In groups, examine the outcomes and indicators from one of the 20 level curriculums and discuss with your group. What are the main topics that are covered in this course? What is new/different? Join back with your math department and report back about the 20 level curriculums. St. J, Beth, BJM, HC, Oskayak & BM & EDF – together
Math Support Workshops: Introduction to new courses and resources, Unit Overview Workshops, technology sessions, etc Communication – parents, students, administrators, counsellors, EAL & LAT teachers, etc Websites/Blog/Math Learning Community Manipulatives/supplies/additional resources to support courses Individualized Support
Discussion Items Items that may need to be discussed at your school: Communication to Parents & Students Math Parent Nights Math 90 plans – yearlong Implementation of the new Grade 10 courses Course offerings for next year Possibilities for Specialized Math Courses AP Calculus plan for current Grade 10 students
Final Thoughts Division is committed to supporting curriculum renewal Importance of a positive attitude and consistent message within our division As educators, we need to be competent and confident with our delivery of the new curriculum. We need to be positive when we are talking with members of the community, parents and students.