International finance International banking
International finance Lecture outline International banking as a part of the IMS International banking market Supervision in international banking
International finance International banking as a part of the IMS International banks International financial organisations Central banks International financial institutions
International finance International banking as a part of the IMS Banks servicing international trade Interbank financial settlements system Financing international trade
International finance International banking activity Interbank loans and deposits Financing international transactions Issuance od eurobonds Consortium credit Servicing eurocurrency markets Managing international asset portfolios
International finance The international banking market A part of the international financial market Participants Finacial centres
International finance International banking centres Number of foreign banks Share of foreign currency transactions Share of non-residents
International finance International banking centres Onshore centres Offshore centres Onshore offshore centres
International finance The international banking market Forms of activity on the market International banking activity American international banking The globalisation of financial markets and international banking
International finance Forms of activity on the market Correspondent banks Representative offices Subsidiaries and branches Shell branches
International finance American international banking Intesive activity on the offshore markets International Banking Facilities An enclave of the American banking market
International finance American international banking The dominance of American international banking in the sector Limitations to the banking activity Limitation of foreign transactions financing
International finance American international banking Edge Act Edge Act corporations Eclectic intitutions
International finance International banking and the globalisation of financial markets Changing the activity profile of the banks Deregulation Technological progress Innovations Competitive pressure
International finance International banking and the globalisation of financial markets Banking regulation vs. protection Capital concentration oligopolistic structure Competing through „sevices quality”
International finance International banking and the globalisation of financial markets Deposit guarantees Lender of last resort Subventions Too big to fail
International finance International banking and the globalisation of financial markets New services The competition of investment funds Shrinking area of banking activity New banking strategies
International finance International banking and the globalisation of financial markets Decrease of intermediation Product diversification New areas for banking activity
International finance International banking and the globalisation of financial markets Banking corporations Securitisation Investment banking
International finance International banking and the globalisation of financial markets Internationalisation of banks International banking stategies New risk management techniques
International finance International banking supervision The goals: Ensuring safe and effective payment settlements Risk minimalisation Ensuring international financial system stability
International finance International banking supervision Environment of the regulation: Financial markets globalisation Non-banking institutions Banking crises
International finance International banking supervision The Basel Comitee Recommendations International banking supervision Minimum prudential criteria
International finance International banking supervision Basel I Basel II Basel III- work in progress
International finance Basel I Banking supervision- international responsibility Information exchange The Cook indicator
International finance Basel II Risk diversification Operational vs. credit risk Limiting regulatory arbitrage
International finance Basel II 3 pillars minimum equity requirements improvement of supervisory tools market disciplne
International finance Basel II The fiancial crisis Frequent appliance of leverages Securitised vs. notsecuritised products Stressed value-at-risk
International finance Basel III Increase of capital requirements Common equity Leverage indicator Anticyclical equity buffer Default risk limitation Short term and medium term liquidity indicators
International finance Basel III The too big to fail problem solved??? Banking liquidity Preventing future crises???
International finance Basel III Anticyclical regulations The euro-area- specific conditions Anticyclical regulations instead of anticyclical monetary policy
International finance Regulation in respective countries USA EU countries
International finance International banking regulation difficulties Offshore banking No deposit guarantees No minimum reserve requirements Diffuculties in supervision Lender of last resort???
International finance International banking regulation difficulties National regulations Emerging markets International non-banking institutions
International finance Summing up International bankin as a part of the IMS International banking activities Specific role of the American international banking Financial markets globalisation
International finance Summing up The Basel Committee Risk diversification Changes of the regulations brought by the financial crisis
International finance References E. Chrabonszczewska, L. Oręziak, Międzynardowe rynki finansowe, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2000, P. Krugman, M.Obstfeld, International economics: theory and policy, Pearson, Addison Wesley, Boston 2009, K. Lutkowski, Finanse międzynarodowe. Zarys problematyki., PWN, Warszawa, 2007, International framework for liquidity risk measurement, standards and monitoring, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, BIS, 2010 Strengthening the resilience of the banking sector, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, BIS, 2009.