1 e-MFP European Microfinance Week 2009 Growth and resilience of savings-based MFIs during the global crisis Moderator: Hans Dieter Seibel Luxembourg, 25 November 2009
2 The meltdown… … and the evidence from savings-based MFIs The meltdown… “The $32-billion microfinance sector has been pounded by the worst economic slowdown since the Great Depression“ (The American Banker, 1 Sep 2009) „…microcredit portfolios are stagnant or shrinking” (CGAP, May 2009) … and the evidence from savings-based MFIs: PCF Vietnam:1,015 member-owned credit coops BRI MBU:4,600 commercial microbanking units CIF West Africa:6 mutualist microfinance networks
3 Growth and resilience of the People’s Credit Funds, Vietnam By Nguyen Thac Tam (Central People’s Credit Fund) Hans Dieter Seibel (KGFE/e-MFP)
4 People‘s Credit Funds (PCF), Vietnam (rural savings and credit cooperatives) Late 1980s: collapse of command economy incl. 7,200 rural credit cooperatives Transition to market economy (private agriculture and SMEs) 1990 Financial institutions law, includes SCCs Government commission examines options for SCCs=>>PCFs *1983, PCFs initiated by central bank, TA by DID PCFs are self-financed and self-governed rural MFIs Prudentially regulated, supervised, trained by SBV, ie central bank Consolidation , (82 PFs closed by SBV) *1985, Central fund (CCF): Liquidity exchange and refinancing of PCFs Since 2001 retail finance to rural and urban clientsA PCFs and CCF: savings are the main sources of funds
5 PCFs, (amounts in million US$) No of PCFs No of members1.16m1.35m Total assets Loans outstanding Savings deposits Borrowings from CCF Equity3946 Overdues >1 day ROA Deposits-to-loans ratio80%87%
6 Impact of the global crisis on PCFs in 2008: none Graph 1: Steady growth of membership Graph 2: Steady growth of deposits, loans Decline of domestic borrowings
7 Number of PCFs and members,
8 PCF total assets, loans, deposits, borrowings, equity, (million US$)
9 CCF, (amounts in million US$) Total assets Loans outstanding Savings deposits Borrowings71 Equity1546 Overdues >1 day ROA Deposit-to-loans ratio96%79%
10 Impact of the global crisis on CCF in 2008: moderate (due to urban SME clients) Graph: Loans outstanding constant Deposits decline (by urban SMEs) Borrowings constant Equity up (due to SBV capital injection) Overdues up ROA slightly down
11 CCF total assets, loans, deposits, (in million US$)
12 Conclusion: Impact of the crisis on PCFs (local FIs with a rural clientele) PCFs: Resilient, continual growth of outreach, loans & deposits Savings-to-deposit ratio increases from 80% to 87% Steady earnings (despite SBV interest rate restrictions) PCF members: Stagnating no of borrowers (doubts about future) Repayment rate very high, unaffected by crisis
13 Conclusion: Impact of the crisis on CCF (rural wholesale (since 1995) & urban retail services (since 2001): CCF: Spectacular growth since 2001 2008: standstill of growth, declining deposits Savings-to-deposit ratio declines from 96% to 79% Earnings slightly affected (by SBV interest rate restrictions) CCF clients: (Rural) PCFs deposit more and borrow less (Urban) clients, reacting to the credit crunch, deposit less and borrow more Repayment rate moderately affected