Control of Substances Hazardous to Health AHS C.O.S.H.H Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health AHS What is C.O.S.H.H? Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health Aim of COSHH: To protect people against risks to their health, from immediate or delayed effects caused by the use of substances with have the potential to be hazardous to health. What is a hazardous substance? A substance or preparation (mixture) with the potential to cause harm if they are inhaled, ingested, or come into contact, or are absorbed through the skin COSHH is a legal requirement: It is present to ensure the safety in the workplace is enforced and to reduce the amount and severity of accidents involving chemicals
Products containing Chemicals AHS Hazardous Substances can take many forms and include: Chemical Products containing Chemicals Fumes Dusts Vapours Gases
How can Hazardous Substances effect you? AHS How can Hazardous Substances effect you? Exposure by breathing Once breathed in, some substances can attack the nose, throat or lungs Exposure by swallowing People transfer chemicals from their hands to their mouths by eating, smoking etc, without washing first Exposure by skin contact Some substances damage skin, while others pass through it Exposure to the eyes Some vapours, gases and dusts are irritating to eyes.
C.O.S.H.H – Who is Responsible? AHS C.O.S.H.H – Who is Responsible? Everyone! COSHH is everyone’s responsibility. It is important that you fully understand your responsibility's – not just for your own safety but for your colleagues What you must do: provided Wear PPE provided. Look after PPE and report issues. Follow instructions/training given. Report any problems to your manager. NEVER mix chemicals unless it is a safe and authorised process. Know where washing and first-aid facilities are on site. Ensure hazardous substances are returned to the locked COSHH cabinets. Do not leave out!
C.O.S.H.H – Who is Responsible? AHS C.O.S.H.H – Who is Responsible? Everyone! COSHH is everyone’s responsibility. It is also important that you fully understand your Employers responsibility's What we must do: Assess the risk to health and identify what precautions are needed. Introduce appropriate measures to prevent or control the risk e.g, use alternative safer substances if possible. Ensure by good supervision that control measures are used and that equipment is properly maintained and procedures observed. Where necessary, monitor the exposure of the workers and carry out an appropriate form of surveillance of their health. Train employees about the risks and the precautions to be taken.
The Golden rules of Chemical Safety AHS The Golden rules of Chemical Safety Always treat all chemicals with respect familiarity can breed complacency AVOID personal contact with chemicals. Protect the skin and eyes. AVOID swallowing/inhaling. ALWAYS wear protective equipment (PPE). ALWAYS Follow instructions, refer to labels and safety data sheets ALWAYS replace closures on containers ALWAYS store chemicals correctly and securely ALWAYS know the emergency first aid procedures PAY ATTENTION to the particular hazards of individual chemicals. NEVER smoke, eat or drink near chemicals. Use only designated areas NEVER mix chemicals
AHS Skin Irration Chemicals that may cause damage to health or inflammation to the skin or other mucous membranes. Acute Toxicity Chemicals that at low levels cause damage to health. Flammable Liquids Chemicals that have an extremely low flash point and boiling point, and gases that catch fire in contact with air. Skin Corrosion Chemicals that may destroy living tissue on contact. Dangerous for the environment Chemicals that may present an immediate or delayed danger to one or more components of the environment.
Accommodation & Hospitality Services 1 - Surfaces 2 - Hob 3 – Cooker 4 - Cooker 5 – Sink/Washing up Liquid 6 - Floors
Accommodation & Hospitality Services 1- Floor 2 – Sani-Cid 3 – Toilet 4 – Mirror/Glass Screens
AHS 1 – Floor 2 –Walls – Sink 3 – Tiles 4 – Shower screen 5 – Toilet 6- Bedroom surfaces 7 – Windows 8-
Cleaning Cloths & Cross Contamination AHS Red - Bathrooms Yellow - Kitchens Green - Bedrooms Blue - Stairs & Corridors Blue - Porters Cleaning Cloths & Cross Contamination
Chemical disposal – Sluice & Dirty water procedure AHS Chemical disposal – Sluice & Dirty water procedure