SYMBOLS - PACKAGING Below are a number of symbols often seen on packaging. Each has a specific meaning. The symbols are normally very simple and easy to understand.
Homework 1. Collect samples of symbols found on food and drink containers / packaging. Explain the meaning of each symbol. 2. Select two symbols and draw them, adding appropriate colour and shade.
Symbols This symbol is often seen on boxes of matches. It is a warning for the adult using the matches to never leave them out for children to find. Why is red used as the basic colour? Found on packaging that contains potentially harmful contents. For example, a tin of paint stripper. Why do you think a ‘cross’ has been used for the symbol?
Symbols Found on packaging that contains potentially harmful contents. For example, a tin of paint stripper. Why do you think a ‘cross’ has been used for the symbol? This symbol is seen on the packaging that contains flammable products. Paint sprays, hair spray, in fact most types of spray contain potentially flammable contents that could ignite if used near a naked flame. Do you think the meaning of this symbol is easy to interpret?
Symbols The snow flake symbol is placed on the packaging of food products. This means that the food inside the package is suitable for freezing This symbol was found on the packaging of a cleaning solution, containing dangerous chemicals. The symbol reminds the user to keep the product out of reach of children.
A company LOGO is very important as it is a symbol of success A company LOGO is very important as it is a symbol of success. Successful companies such as Microsoft, Nike, Reebok and many others rely on a logo to put over an image of achievement to the general public. If you log on to almost any website you will see a logo of some form representing the person or company responsible for the site. It is more than likely that in the past you have designed a logo or a badge to represent yourself and the type of person you are.
Ten well known and different logos are shown below. Number each logo from 1 to 10 starting with your favourite - to the one you feel is least interesting. Do not think about the product but only the logo. Consider its overall design, colour scheme and the style of writing used.