CAP 4703 Computer Graphic Methods Prof. Roy Levow Chapter 5
Viewing Classical viewing –Need to be able to reproduce classical views for a variety of applications –Isometric Preserves measurements –Elevation View a face of object –Perspective Reflects size change of distant objects
Viewing Terminology Center of Projection (COP) –Point where all projectors meet –Center of camera or eye lens –Origin of synthetic camera frame Direction of Projection (DOP) –Direction of projectors when COP is moved to infinity
Types of Viewing Classical (many) –Orthographic –One-, two-, and 3-point perspectives Computer –Orthographic –Perspective
Classical Viewing Concepts Principal face –Primary surface of view Based on rectangular solid structures Orthographic Projection –Single view –Multiview Show three orthogonal views
Axonometric Projections Projectors are orthogonal to the projection plane but plane can be at angle to principal face –Isometric – symmetric with all three axes –Dimetric – symmetric with two axes –Trimetric – general case –Produces foreshortening of distances
Oblique Projection Most general parallel view –Projectors make arbitrary angle with projection plane In computer graphics system, isometric, axonometric and oblique projections are all variations on one case
Perspective Characterized by diminution of size of more distant objects Classically, viewer is symmetrical with respect to the projection plane One-, two-, and three-point perspectives depending on number of vanishing points
Computer Viewing Choose parallel or perspective view No separation of perspective degrees Two key elements –Position camera –Apply projection transformaton
OpenGL Camera Default –Camera at origin –Pointing in negative z direction –Orthogonal view –Viewing volume is cube Centered at origin Side of length 2
Default Camera
Positioning Camera Frame Can construct camera frame through translation and rotation of model view to get camera to desired viewing position from default position For orthographic view, this does not change clipping volume set by glOrtho() –Size is unchanged –What is seen will change
View as Change of Frames Set View-Reference Point (VRP) –Center of camera View plane defined by –View-plane normal (VPN) –View-up vector (VUP) –Project VUP onto projection plane to get up direction (v up ) Construct new frame with basis for view plane, u-v and normal n; u-v-n
Look-At Positioning
OpenGL Look-At OpenGL simplifies camera positioning as follows – e = eye point – a = look-at point –Determines vpn as e – a glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glLoadIdentity(); gluLookAt(eyex, eyey, eyez, gluLookAt(eyex, eyey, eyez, atx, aty, atz, upx, upy, upz); /* define objects here */
Perspective Projection Note: x/z = x p /d or x p = x/(z/d) –Similarly for y –Provides non-uniform foreshortening Perspective Transformation –(x, y, z) -> (x p, y p, z p )
Perspective Projection (cont) Moving to 4 dimensions, consider (wx, wy, wz, w) T Perspective transformation matrix takes (x, y, z, 1) T to 0 0 1/d 0(x, y, z, z/d) T Division by last coordinate gives (x p, y p, d, 1), the projection (x p, y p, d, 1), the projection
Orthogonal Projection in OpenGL Simply map z into zero
Projection in OpenGL Clipping region is a frustum, a truncated pyramid
OpenGL Frustum glFrustum(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, near, far); // left, right, top, bottom, near, far
Parallel Viewing in OpenGL glOrtho(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, near, far);
Hidden Surface Removal Remove hidden surfaces Different view –Visible-surface algoritims Identify visible surfaces Work in either –Object space –Image space
Z-Buffer Algorithm Image Space Requires depth buffer, called z-buffer to store depth Depth resolution usually 16, 24, or 32 bits As polygon is rasterized, depth is computed and compared with current z- buffer value; only nearer values update Very efficient
OpenGL Implementation Enable with –glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DEPTH…); –glEnabel(GL_DEPTH_TEST); Clear with –glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
Scene Walkthrough Move camera to view color cube from different locations –cubeview.c
Parallel-Projection Matrices Previous projection matrices do not cover all possibilities Projection Normalization –convert all projections to orthogonal –by distorting objects –distortion is called normalization Map viewing volume into 2x2x2 cube at origin; translate and then scale
Oblique Projection Projectors do not need to be orthogonal to projection plane as in standard OpenGL projection Equivalent to a shear transformation of the objects
Perspective-Projection Matrices Again, distort object Skipping details OpenGL Perspective Transformations 2z/(X-x) 0 (X+x)/(X-x) 0 0 2z/(Y-y) (Y+y)/(Y-y) 0 0 2z/(Y-y) (Y+y)/(Y-y) (f+n)/(f-n) -2fn/(f-n) 0 0 -(f+n)/(f-n) -2fn/(f-n)
Projections and Shadows Shadow –projection of original polygon onto surface –center of projection is light source –shadow-polygon –shadow.c