Prevent injuries or deaths from:  Violent chemical reactions, fires, explosions  Burns, irritation, trouble breathing, nausea, diseases Manufacturers,


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Presentation transcript:

Prevent injuries or deaths from:  Violent chemical reactions, fires, explosions  Burns, irritation, trouble breathing, nausea, diseases Manufacturers, importers:  Classify chemical hazards  Provide labels, safety data sheets (SDSs) 1a

 Air monitoring equipment  Appearance, odor  Physical, chemical characteristics  Unknown chemicals to be considered hazardous 2a

 Chemical manufacturers or importers must classify chemicals according to the physical and health hazards  A chemical can have both physical and health hazards 3a

1. Explosives 2. Flammable gases 3. Flammable aerosols 4. Flammable liquids 5. Flammable solids 6. Oxidizing liquids 7. Oxidizing solids 8. Oxidizing gases 9. Self-Reactive substances 10. Pyrophoric liquids 11. Pyrophoric solids 12. Self-heating substances 13. Organic peroxides 14. Corrosive to metals 15. Gases under pressure 16. Substances which, in contact with water emit flammable gases

 Pyrophoric gas - spontaneously ignites at 130°F or below  Combustible dust - build-up can ignite if suspended in air in confined area ◦ Grains, sugar ◦ Charcoal, soot ◦ Chemicals (sulfur) ◦ Metals (magnesium, aluminum) ◦ Plastics, resins 4b

 Acutely toxicity  Skin corrosion or irritation  Serious eye damage or irritation  Respiratory or skin sensitization  Germ cell mutagen  Carcinogenicity  Reproductive toxin  Target organ systemic toxin ◦ Single exposure ◦ Repeated exposure  Aspiration hazard

 Engineering controls  Administrative work practice  Enclosing operations  Ventilation equipment  Substituting less hazardous chemicals  Safe procedures  Safer chemical handling procedures 7a

 Always use in plant  Chemical-resistant: ◦ Goggles ◦ Face shields ◦ Gloves ◦ Boots ◦ Coveralls ◦ Aprons ◦ Respirators  Do not use damaged, malfunctioning PPE 8b

 Chemical emergencies can involve fires, explosions, burns, asphyxiations  Unknown chemicals are considered to be hazardous  Emergency responders manage: ◦ Releases of unknown chemicals ◦ Any potentially dangerous release  Others go to safe area, report emergency 9a

 Check the SDS  Report overexposures to any chemical  Get prompt first aid, medical attention Contact with corrosive, irritating chemicals:  Use emergency eyewash, showers  Flush eyes/skin with water 10a

Overexposure from breathing vapors, gases, aerosols, fumes, dust:  Move victim to safe area with fresh air  Get emergency medical assistance Ingesting chemicals:  Call poison control center, emergency medical responders  Have information from SDS available  Only induce vomiting or give water if advised by a medical provider 10c

OSHA’s HazCom standard includes requirements for:  Chemical classification  Safety data sheets (SDSs)  Labeling  Written HazCom program  Employee information, training  Provisions for trade secrets  Not required if handling closed containers 11a

 Labels warn of potential dangers  Labels are not intended to be the sole source of information  Labels serve as an immediate warning  Containers need labels  Pipes, fuel tanks, engines are not containers 12a

While HazCom 2012 is phased in, you will still see labels meeting previous rule:  Identity of hazardous chemical  Appropriate hazard warnings  Name and address of manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party 12b


Written HazCom program:  Labels, warnings  Safety data sheets (SDSs)  Employee information,training  List of hazardous chemicals  How employees learn hazards of non-routine tasks  Hazards of chemicals in unlabeled pipes 11c

Hazards without symbols (Label says warning)- Simple asphyxiant: Hazard statement = “May displace oxygen and cause rapid suffocation” Combustible dust: Hazard statement = “May form combustible dust concentrations in air” OSHA-defined hazards - Pyrophoric gas:  Flame pictogram  Signal word = “DANGER”  Hazard statement = “Catches fire spontaneously if exposed to air” 13f

 Rely on labels on shipped containers  Re-label if label falls off  Re-label if label cannot be read 14a

Transferring hazardous chemicals to another container:  Must label container if another person will use it  Must label container if it is available during another shift Individual stationary containers (i.e., tanks) may use:  Signs  Placards  Batch tickets  Operating procedures These alternatives must provide the same information as would a label 14b

NFPA system identifies: ◦ Health hazards - Blue ◦ Flammability hazards - Red ◦ Reactivity hazards - Yellow ◦ Special hazards - White Hazard severity (0 to 4): ◦ 0 = none ◦ 4 = severe 14e

HMIS system identifies: ◦ Health hazards - Blue ◦ Flammability hazards - Red ◦ Physical hazards - Orange ◦ Personal protection - White Hazard severity (0 to 4): ◦ 0 = minimal ◦ 1 = slight ◦ 2 = moderate ◦ 3 = serious ◦ 4 = severe 14f

 The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) ◦ It is an internationally agreed-upon system, created by the United Nations. ◦ It is designed to replace the various classification and labeling standards used in different countries by using consistent criteria for classification and labeling on a global level. ◦ It established the use of the Safety Data Sheet -SDS that will replace the MSDS. 15a

 Chemical fact sheets  Provided by chemical suppliers  Employer keeps them up to date  Must be in English  Immediately available  Report missing SDSs 15a

 1 Identification  2 Hazard identification  3 Composition  4 First Aid  5 Fire Fighting  6 Accidental release  7 Handling/ Storage  8 PPE requirements  9 Properties  10 Stability/reactivity  11 Toxilogical info  12 Ecological info  13 Disposal  14 Transport  15 Regulatory  16 Other notes

Use:  Verify label information  PPE recommendations  Symptoms, health effects  First aid  Emergency procedures  PPE recommendations  Symptoms, health effects  First aid  Emergency procedures 15b

 Being replaced with SDSs  MSDSs include: ◦ Chemical Identity and characteristics, hazards, routes of entry, exposure limits, carcinogen status, precautions, control measures, First aid procedures, date of production, manufacturer identity ◦ Can include other things, do not have a specific order and can be confusing at times 17a