Geography is the study of the earth’s surface, land, bodies of water, climate, peoples, industries, & natural resources
Physical Geography –The study of how physical characteristics define a region or place –Landforms, bodies of water, climate, soils, natural vegetation, and animal life A place is an area of land that shares common features or is defined by common characteristics Physical features (a.k.a. topography) –The natural land formations that make up the surface area –Oceans, mountains, lakes, rivers
Landform –Naturally formed features on the surface of the earth –Island, Swamp, River (Mouth), Gulf, Peninsula, Canyon, Plateau, Mountain, Valley, Etc… Bodies of Water –A part of the earth’s surface covered with water –River, Ocean, Sea, Lake, Etc… Climate –The typical weather conditions at a particular location as observed over time –Temperature, Humidity, Etc… Soils –The loose mixture of weathered rock, organic matter, air, and water that supports plant growth Natural Vegetation –Plants and trees that grow in an area Animal Life –types of animals who naturally live in an area
Human geography – –The study of the world, its people, communities, and cultures – –Population settlement patterns, human activities (agriculture and industry) Human characteristics –Language, religion, political systems, economic systems, population, and way of life Population settlements –Types of people who live in a place –Birthrate, fertility rate, morality rate, habitable lands, migration, etc… –urbanization – the growth & development of cities –population distribution - the arrangement or spread of people living in a given area; also, how the population of an area is arranged according to variables such as age, race, or sex Human activities –Agriculture and industry –Farming, banking, manufacturing, etc…
Culture –Shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors –Food and shelter, religion, language, education, etc… Physical Characteristics –Size, Shape, Location (landlocked v coast) –Boundaries (natural v artificial) Himalaya Mountains cut off India –Natural Resources (oil, timber, etc…) Oil in North Africa and Middle East Customs and traditions –Ways of doing things passed down from one generation of people, group, or society to the next –Rituals, weddings, holidays, showing respect
The following will help with reading maps, charts, etc… The following will help you locate information on a map, chart, etc…
Hemispheres –Each ½ of the globe
Latitude (parallels) –Set of imaginary lines that run parallel to the equator, and that are used in locating places north or south –The equator is labeled the 0˚ line Longitude (meridians) –Set of imaginary lines that go around the earth over the poles, dividing it east and west –The prime meridian is labeled the 0˚ 0˚ line
A continent is a large landmass and usually consists of several countries
Physical Map –Helps you see the types of landforms and bodies of water found in a specific area Political Map –Shows features on the earth’s surface that humans created
Compass Rose –A design on a map that shows directions –North, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest
Legend/Key –Since a map is a reduced representation of the real world, map symbols are used to represent real objects Without symbols, we wouldn't have maps –Both shapes and colors can be used for symbols on maps –To ensure that a person can correctly read a map, a Map Legend is a key to all the symbols used on a map It is like a dictionary so you can understand the meaning of what the map represents
Scale –Since an accurate map represents the land, each map has a "scale" which indicates the relationship between a certain distance on the map and the distance on the ground –The map scale is usually located in the legend box of a map –A map scale can be printed in a variety of ways