Separateness As God’s People Maintaining Our “Covenantal Identity”
Egypt was “in their hearts” Acts 7:39 After redeeming them, God wanted them to know, appreciate 1 important truth - They were His people, unique to Him God brought them to Mt. Sinai to make this impression Egypt was “in their hearts” Acts 7:39 After redeeming them, God wanted them to know, appreciate 1 important truth - They were His people, unique to Him God brought them to Mt. Sinai to make this impression God Demanded Separateness From O.T. Israel
Ex 13:17 Ex 3:12 19:4-6
Later revelations in the Law continued this emphasis cp. Lev 20:23-26 Deut 7:1-4 Yet, Israel grew weary with her uniqueness and eventually wanted to be like every one else around her cp. 1 Sam 8:5 PROBLEM : She forgot who she was!! Later revelations in the Law continued this emphasis cp. Lev 20:23-26 Deut 7:1-4 Yet, Israel grew weary with her uniqueness and eventually wanted to be like every one else around her cp. 1 Sam 8:5 PROBLEM : She forgot who she was!! God Demanded Separateness From O.T. Israel
Peter’s quotation of Moses 1 Pet 2:9 We must abstain from those things which will only destroy us 1 Pet 2:11 We must constantly “come out” from among sin, its influence 2 Cor 6:14 - 7:1 Peter’s quotation of Moses 1 Pet 2:9 We must abstain from those things which will only destroy us 1 Pet 2:11 We must constantly “come out” from among sin, its influence 2 Cor 6:14 - 7:1 God Demands Separateness From His N.T. People Today
Saints today must refrain from anything that would mar our purity, destroy our identity as the people of God cp. 1 Tim 4:12 5:22 2 Tim 2:22 We must deny some things, do other things Titus 2:11-12 Saints today must refrain from anything that would mar our purity, destroy our identity as the people of God cp. 1 Tim 4:12 5:22 2 Tim 2:22 We must deny some things, do other things Titus 2:11-12 God Demands Separateness From His N.T. People Today
We can’t be “spiritual hermits” Mt 5:13-16 How Should We Respond To The World We’re To Be Separate From?
“We are IN the world with those who are OF the world, but we must not be overcome BY the world.”
We can’t be “spiritual hermits” Mt 5:13-16 Jesus was not a “spiritual hermit” He attended weddings, funerals He was out among the people He sought those others “rejected” Yet, He wasn’t “of this world” Jn 8:23 18:36 Jesus was not a “spiritual hermit” He attended weddings, funerals He was out among the people He sought those others “rejected” Yet, He wasn’t “of this world” Jn 8:23 18:36 How Should We Respond To The World We’re To Be Separate From?
We must…...not love the world 1 Jn 2:15-17 cp. Jn 15:19 1 Jn 3:13 …not be conformed to the world Rom 12:1-2 cp. 2 Cor 10:3-5 …be dead to the world Col 2:20 3:5-6 We must…...not love the world 1 Jn 2:15-17 cp. Jn 15:19 1 Jn 3:13 …not be conformed to the world Rom 12:1-2 cp. 2 Cor 10:3-5 …be dead to the world Col 2:20 3:5-6 How Should We Respond To The World We’re To Be Separate From?
Conclusion How do you view such “separateness”? As a child of God? As a prospective child? A ball & chain you drag around, getting in the way of all the “fun” you really want to have? A blessing & release from that which only produces shame, death? cp. Rom 6:21, 23 How do you view such “separateness”? As a child of God? As a prospective child? A ball & chain you drag around, getting in the way of all the “fun” you really want to have? A blessing & release from that which only produces shame, death? cp. Rom 6:21, 23
Conclusion Two questions each of us need to ask: Ê What has to be given up that really matters? cp. Num 11:4-6 Ë What will be gained that really matters? We’re really like the ancient Hebrews – it is “on to Canaan” OR “back to Egypt” Acts 7:39 Two questions each of us need to ask: Ê What has to be given up that really matters? cp. Num 11:4-6 Ë What will be gained that really matters? We’re really like the ancient Hebrews – it is “on to Canaan” OR “back to Egypt” Acts 7:39
Conclusion May we learn to protect, even cherish, our separateness as God’s people It is worth protecting, holding on to Remaining separate… …protects us from sin’s heartaches in life …prepares us for a glorious future with our Father in heaven May we learn to protect, even cherish, our separateness as God’s people It is worth protecting, holding on to Remaining separate… …protects us from sin’s heartaches in life …prepares us for a glorious future with our Father in heaven