Page 9: Amplitude Page 10: Amplitude WI-6 3/10/14 Amplitude
Job Application Notes: 3 sentences How will the recent information you learned about waves help you obtain a job at the new teen club?
Students will be able to collect and analyze data in order to explain the relationship between amplitude and energy.
A seismograph is a tool that is used to measure the activity of an earthquake. Tde9w
3 small earthquakes occurred within 12 minutes of each other. Highlight all three of the earthquakes using a different color highlighter for each one.
Rank each Earthquake in order from highest amount of energy to lowest amount of energy. Explain. Look at the amplitude of each Earthquake and identify which one has the highest, second highest, and lowest amplitude.
Not all earthquakes are of the same strength. Some earthquakes release more energy and have a greater magnitude than others. The Richter scale is a standard scale used to compare the magnitude of earthquakes. A lower number on the Richter scale implies an earthquake of a lower magnitude.
On August 23 rd 2011 there was an Earthquake in Maryland. 5.8 on the Richter scale
6. Identify the relationship between the amount of energy in a wave and the amplitude of the wave. Justify your response using information from the investigation. PAGE 10
Watch the video about Earthquakes and answer the questions on your video worksheet.
1. Explain why earthquakes of higher magnitude cause more damage. Be sure to include the following in your response: Energy transfer Relationship between magnitude and amplitude
Job Application Notes In one sentence, summarize the most important piece of information you learned about energy and amplitude today that will help you acquire the teen club job.
Explain why buildings in California might have a stricter building code than buildings in New York?