Warm-up: ACT practice Test 1, questions 1-5. Answer on the bubble sheet. We will go over the correct answers in 5 minutes.
Today’s learning goal Today you will analyze poetry of the Modernist period and identify themes.
From yesterday… A Raisin in the Sun is considered a Modernist piece although it was written in 1958 (during the Post-Modern period). Why do you think it is placed in the Modernist period? Make a guess and discuss with your group.
Preface to the play The preface to A Raisin in the Sun is a piece of the long poem “Montage to a Dream Deferred” titled “Harlem” by Langston Hughes. Dream_Deferred Dream_Deferred What is the purpose of a preface? Define: montage, defer, fester
Read the poem Read the poem and answer these three questions on your own paper. Be prepared to discuss your answers What is Hughes' message about dreams deferred? How do "dreams deferred" relate to the American Dream? What central question does the poem ask?
Read another poem! “Let America Be America Again” Read silently and annotate. Discuss the poem and assigned question with your group. Be ready to share with the class.
On your paper… Please answer the following question in paragraph format. Include evidence from either (or both) poems. According to the poems, what major obstacle has interfered with African Americans' quest for the American Dream?
Reading and viewing the play The text of the play is available online. You can find it yourself or access it on my website. You ARE expected to read the play. However, we will be viewing it in class as well. It IS a play and was meant to be performed, so we will watch it. However, reading the stage directions throughout the play will add to your understanding significantly. Complete the study guide while we watch; some questions will need to be completed through reading.