CREATIVITY Thinking Like a Genius. Steps to Creativity 1.Rethink! 2.Visualize! 3.Produce! 4.Combine! 5.Form! 6.Opposite! 7.Metaphors/Simile! 8.Failure!


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Presentation transcript:

CREATIVITY Thinking Like a Genius

Steps to Creativity 1.Rethink! 2.Visualize! 3.Produce! 4.Combine! 5.Form! 6.Opposite! 7.Metaphors/Simile! 8.Failure! 9.Patience!

Rethink! 1.Rethink! Look at problems in many different ways. Find new perspectives that no one else has taken. Example: Finding a job or internship: 1. Ask friends or colleagues for potential leads 2. Over-sell yourself 3. Send samples of your work or portfolio to anyone that might respond. 4. Check local resources like Craigslist or your school's job search 5. Broaden your target audience. 6. Evaluate other fields could you specialize in?

Visualize dsfgf 2.Visualize Utilize diagrams and imagery to analyze your dilemma. 1. How can you use pictures, images, graphs, etc. in your studies? 2. Visit guides on concept or mind maps, picturing vocabulary, flashcards, etc.

Produce! 3.Produce! Genius is productive. 1. Perhaps originality is not the key, but rather constant application of thought and tools to arrive a solutions. 2. Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for patience. --George-Louis Leclerc de Buffon (1707–1788) French naturalist

Combine! 4.Combine! Make novel combinations... Combine and recombine ideas, images, and thoughts into different combinations no matter how incongruent or unusual

Form! 5.Form! Form relationships. Make connections between dissimilar subjects. 1. This doesn't always apply to objects: form relationships with people and ask them questions! 2. Get to know people in your field that can help you excel to the best of your ability

Opposites! 6.Opposites! Think in opposites. Don't always stick with the obvious solutions. Get outside of your comfort zone. 1. “Opposites” bring two approaches to a situation but they do share a basic similarity. Example: “right” and “left” are both directions, but which is the right choice?

Metaphor/Simile! 7.Metaphor/Simile! Think metaphorically. 1. Metaphors are connections that are unusual or not an ordinary way of thinking: 2. A sea of troubles; the heart of a lion; raining cats and dogs. Similes use "like" or "as" to illustrate 1. The boy was as agile as a monkey. The miner's face was like coal. 2. The task was as easy as ABC. Dry like a raisin in the sun. You will complete an assignment that has you thinking in metaphor!

Failure! 8.Failure! Learning from your mistakes is one example of using failure. 1. As strange as it seems the human brain is a failure machine: it generates models of reality, acts on them, and adjusts or creates new, successful models based on failures. 2. From Daniel Coyle’s the Talent Code on Adam Bryant’s weekly interview: “ mistakes create unique conditions of high-velocity learning that cannot be matched by more stable, “successful” situations.”

Patience! 9.Patience! Take the time to think. Don't confuse inspiration with ideas. Apply your ideas with patience for the reward they may deserve.