Surgical Oncology May 25 - June 1 Tania Arora David Williams Andrew Young Ashley Limkemann Yulia Dzhashiashvili
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure June 30Bear/DzhashiashviliBilateral breast cancerPort-a-cath June 30Kaplan/LimkemannPancreatic cancerPort-a-cath June 30Kaplan/LimkemannPancreatic cancerPort-a-cath June 30Takabe/DzhashiashviliLeft breast cancer Left segmental mastectomy with needle localization and sentinel lymph node biopsy June 30Grover/LongMultinodular goiterTotal thyroidectomy June 30Grover/Zhang Right thyroid follicular neoplasm Left hemi-thyroidectomy June 30Neifeld/YoungAnal SCCDiverting transverse colostomy June 30 Kaplan/Seitleman/Young Maher/Margaron Duodenal polyp/ Hiatal hernia Transduodenal polypectomy Hiatal hernia repair with nissen, gtube Transplant
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure May 31Grover/LimkemannMetastatic lung cancerPort-a-cath May 31Grover/LimkemannRight breast cancerPort-a-cath May 31Grover/YoungLeft papillary thyroid cancerTotal thyroidectomy May 31VuRight breast cancerPort-a-cath removal June 1Takabe/DzhashiashviliLeft breast cancerPort-a-cath June 1Grover/LimkemannLeft breast atypiaLeft central duct excision June 1Grover/Arora Right infiltrating ductal carcinoma Left total mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy June 1Grover/AroraLeft thyroid follicular lesionTotal thyroidectomy June 1 Kaplan/Young/Limkeman n Spontaneous splenic rupture/CLL Splenectomy Transplant
DatePatientAtt/ResProcedureComplication May 16Kaplan/Williams Spleen sparing distal pancreatectomy Intra-abdominal fluid collection June 30 Kaplan/Seitleman/Young Maher/Margaron Transduodenal polypectomy Hiatal hernia repair with nissen, gtube ICU Transfer Complications