Role of the Surgeon in Cancer Management A. Responsible for the initial diagnosis and management of solid tumors. B. Responsible for the Definitive Surgical Therapy of Cancer pts. C. Coordinates the multidisciplinary care and determines the best sequence of therapy of cancer pts.
What the Surgeon Needs to Know A. Epidemiology B. Etiology C. Staging D. Natural History E. Adjuvant Therapy F. Understanding of the principles of Molecular Oncology
BASIC CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY INCIDENCE – No. of new cases occurring; usu. expressed as no. of new cases per 100,000 persons per year. MORTALITY- No. of deaths occurring; no. of deaths per 100,000 persons per year.
Estimated Ten Leading Cancer Sites for Both Sexes, Phils Number Percentage 1. Lung 17, Breast 14, Colon/Rectum 8, Liver 7, Cervix Uteri 7, Prostate 4, Leukemia 4, Stomach 3, Thyroid 3, Ovary 3, Phil. Cancer Facts and Estimates by A. Laudico
Estimated Ten Leading Cancer Sites in 2005 for Males in the Phils. No. Of Cases 1. Lung 13, Liver 5, Colon/Rectum 4, Prostate 4, Stomach 2, Leukemia 2, Nasopharynx 1, Oral Cavity 1, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 1, Larynx 1,464
Estimated Ten Leading Cancer Sites in 2005 for Females in the Phils. No. Of Cases 1. Breast 14, Cervix Uteri 7, Lung 3, Colon/Rectum 3, Ovary 3, Thyroid 2, Liver 1, Leukemia 1, Corpus Uteri 1, Stomach 1,564
Estimated 10 Leading Causes of Cancer Deaths in 2005, Both Sexes, Phils. Number 1. Lung 15, Liver 7, Breast 6, Colon/Rectum 5, Cervix Uteri 3, Leukemia 3, Stomach 3, Prostate 2, Ovary 1, Pancreas 1,835
THANK YOU! Erwin B. Alcazaren,MD,FPCS