Tyler Trejo We use lights to help us see if its dark.


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Presentation transcript:

Tyler Trejo We use lights to help us see if its dark.

Alayna Ross We use a computer to play games, go on the internet to play star fall.

Kathryn Mertz We us fans to keep cool on hot days.

Austin Miller We use the pencil sharpener to sharpen pencils.

Tyler Trejo We use a projector to help us print, also use it to see stuff bigger on Mrs. Pence’s screen.

Alayna Ross We use a printer to make copies and to put paper in to print.

Kathryn Mertz We use a radio to listen to music in my house and in my car.

Austin Miller We use a DVD player to watch movies.

Tyler Trejo We use a clock to help us tell time.

Alayna Ross We use a phone to call a friend.

Kathryn Mertz We use a smart board to make words, watch videos and draw.

By: Tyler Trejo By: Kathryn Mertz By: Alayna Ross By: Austin Miller