Bacteria, Protists, Fungi
Taxonomy is changing DNA technology is showing relationships previously not known You will hear the term “clade” – what does that mean? Clade – any taxon that consists of all the evolutionary descendants of a common ancestor Identified by picking any point on a phylogenetic tree and tracing all the descendant lineages
Binomial Nomenclature, Scientific Name Genus species or Genus species Genus is capitalized, species is lowercase Italicized or underlined Homo sapiensHomo sapiens Tursiops truncatusTursiops truncatus Callinectes sapidusCallinectes sapidus
Domain Bacteria – unicellular prokaryotes Bacteria Cyanobacteria Domain Archaea – unicellular prokaryotes Includes “extremophiles” Domain Eukarya – eukaryotes Kingdom Protista Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Animalia
Tips: Start on Scanning objective, look for color Center and focus Move to the 10x objective Center and focus Move to the 40x objective Center and focus If necessary, move to oil immersion Place drop of oil on slide and move oil lens into the oil DO NOT get oil on any of the other lenses Be sure to WIPE oil off of lens when done!!!!! (with lens paper!)
Shapes Spirillum Coccus Bacillus
Gleocapsa Oscillatoria Anabaena
Common name Protozoa – heterotrophic, “animal-like” Algae – autotrophic Groups: Excavata – Giardia, Trichomonas, Euglena, Trypanosoma Alveolates – dinoflagellates, apicomplexans (plasmodium), ciliates (paramecium) Stramenophiles – oomycetes, diatoms, brown algae Rhodophytes – red algae Chlorophytes – green algae Rhizaria – foraminiferans, radiolarians Amoebozoans – plasmodial slime molds, Amoeba
Amoeba proteus – move by pseudopodia
Ciliates Paramecium Stentor Vorticella
Trypanosoma Trichomonas Red blood cells
Plasmodium – no means of locomotion Look for it inside red blood cell
Microscopic algae Phytoplankton Macroscopic algae “seaweed”
Green Algae Microscopic Spirogyra Look for green spirals Volvox Macroscopic
Euglena – photosynthetic flagellate Look for flagella and chloroplasts, can be mistaken for paramecium
Diatoms Electron Microscope picture
Dinoflagellates Ceratium
Brown Algae Macroscopic examples Sargassum Fucus
Red Algae Macroscopic examples
Slime Molds Plasmodial slime molds Physarum
Phylum Zygomycota – black bread molds Rhizopus – under the microscope
Phylum Ascomycota
Phylum Ascomycota – under the microscope Saccharomyces - yeast Penicillium Aspergillus Peziza Cross section of cup seen on previous slide
Phylum Basidiomycota What we think of when we say “mushrooms”
Phylum Basidiomycota – under the microscope Coprina
On one side write: Domain Kingdom Group Genus Characteristics Know what is prokaryotic and what is eukaryotic! On the other side: Picture of the organism On Handout Domain is capitalized Group is in bold print Genus is underlined (# is the slide #)