Taxonomy Reflects Evolutionary History Section 15.4
Classification/Taxonomy Classification the grouping of objects for practical purposes. Ex: Taxonomy the identification, naming and classification of species. The science of classification of organisms
Aristotle( BC) One of the earliest taxonomists Living things two groups Plants & Animals Plants herbs, shrubs, and trees Animals live on land, water and air **artificial system didn’t work, birds live on land, water & air ** Listed 500 species, today at least 5 million of which only 1.5 have been named
Carolus Linnaeus( ) Developed a method still used today Selected characteristics that led to more natural groupings of species Identified species by two names genus & species Binomial nomenclature The system also groups organisms into different categories starting from the smallest- species to the largest-kingdom
Classification Categories Kingdom broadest Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species most specific
Classification-Dichotomous Key Series of paired statements that describe the presence or absence of certain characteristics
Animals No wings(4) Wings(1-3) Feathers (1,2) No Feathers (3) Black & white(1) Pink (2) (1-4)
Phylogenetic Tree A diagram that reflects the evolutionary relationship between species Each branch point represents a common ancestor.
Phylogenetic Tree
Clade/ Cladistics Clade Each evolutionary branch in a phylogenetic tree. Cladistics the method used to determine the sequence of branching in a phylogenetic tree
Cladograms A phylogenetic diagram that specifies the derived characters of clades
Comparing Classification Schemes Linnaeus two kingdom system, system prevailed for 200 yrs Whittaker(1969) Five Kingdom system
Three Domains Reevaluation of the five- kingdom system three domain system 2 Domains of Prokaryotes Bacteria, Archaea 1 Domain of Eukaryotes Eukarya