1 1 Geographic characteristics Review of 2010 round Proposals for 2020 CES recommendations Group of Experts on Population and Housing Censuses Geneva 30 September - 3 October 2013
2 Geographic characteristics Coverage 2011 Locality (Core)78 % Urban and rural areas 90 % Location of place of work (Core)92 % Location of school etc. 43 % Mode of transport to work 43 % Mode of transport to school etc 31 % Time taken for travel to work 27 % Time taken for travel to school 24 % Distance travelled to work 14 % Distance travelled to school etc 12 %
3 Proposals for changes Urban and rural areas Location of place of work Mode of transportation Coordinates for place of usual residence –From discussion yesterday
4 Urban and rural areas Distinguish urban rural areas based on –Localities (most appropriate unit). 42 % in 2010 –Smallest civil division. 30 % in 2010 More countries using locality in 2010 than in 2000 Point for discussion Changing definition? –Degree of urbanization Upgrade to core topic?
5 Degree of urbanization (1) EU classification based on population grids (1 square km) –Grids based on population registers –Disaggregation grids Urban clusters: contiguous grid cells –Density at least 300 inhabitant per square km –Minimum population: 500 High density clusters: contiguous grid cells –Density of at least inhabitant per square km –Minimum population: Rural areas: Cells outside urban clusters
6 Degree of urbanization (2) EU classification of LAU 2s by degree of urbanization Densely populated area – At least 50 per cent of population in high density clusters Intermediate density area –Less than 50 per cent of population in rural areas –Less than 50 per cent of population in high density areas Thinly populated area –More than half of population in rural areas
7 Options for implementation in CESR Integrate in current definition of urban – rural areas –Based on localities or smallest civil division or urban clusters/high density clusters Replace Urban - rural area by Degree of urbanization Degree of urbanization as an additional topic
8 Urban and rural areas as a core topic? Included by most countries (90 per cent in 2010) Upgrading depending on definition? ILO agrees
9 Location of place of work Core topic Proposal: Recommending an output classification Comparing place of usual residence and place of work (commuter flows) Use two regional levels –Lowest level (LAU 2, municipality, ….) –Higher level (NUTS 3, county, …..)
10 Location of place of work – classification 1.0 Same lowest level area as place of residence 1.1 At home 1.2 Elsewhere in same area 2.0 Neighbouring lowest level area within same higher level areas 3.0 Other lowest level area within same higher level areas 4.0 Neighbouring higher level area 5.0 Other higher level area 6.0 Abroad Classification by country? 7.0 Other 7.1 Offshore installation 7.2 No fixed place of work Main question: Should we recommend a classification of this type? Possible simplification: Skip “neighbouring area” –2.0 included in 3.0 –4.0 included in 5.0
11 Mode of transport to work and to school/college/university Current classification: By means of transport –1.0 Rail –2.0 Bus, minibus, coach –3.0 Car, van –4.0 Other Subdivisions Proposed classification: Distinguish public and private transport
12 Mode of transport - classification 1.0 Public transport 1.1 National/international rail network (1.1) 1.2 Metro/Underground (1.2) 1.3 Tram/Light rail (1.3) 1.4 Bus, minibus or coach (2.0) 1.5 Boat or ferry (part of 4.4) 1.6 Other (for instance aircraft) 2.0 Private transport 2.1 Car or van as a driver (3.1) 2.2 Car or van as a passenger (3.2) 2.3 Motorcycle (4.1) 2.4 Pedal cycle (4.2) 2.5 Walk (4.3) 2.6 Boat (part of 4.4) 2.7 Other
13 Mode of transport – some questions Park-and-ride as a category under 1.0? –Combination of private car and train/bus? Classify cars by technology? –Conventionally fuelled (petrol, diesel) –Non-conventionally fuelled (hybrids, biofuels, electric, hydrogen)