Making the Land Use, Transportation, and Air Quality Connection Marianne Fitzgerald Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality Air Innovations Conference August 12, 2004
1996 Portland Maintenance Plans Oregon land use laws encourage compact growth, discourage sprawl Maintenance Plan Transportation Control Measures include land use measures Portland Metro-area 2040 Growth Management Plan encourages more density and planned growth in “centers” Metro-area funding priorities support transit, bicycle and pedestrian improvements
2004 Portland Maintenance Plans Metro recently revised transportation control measures; these measures continue to support alternative transportation New “Contingent TCMs” in maintenance plan contingency plan are triggered by growth in vehicle miles traveled per capita –5% increase in VMT/capita triggers further study; –10% increase in VMT/capita triggers further transportation control measures
2040 Plan: Principles Encourage efficient use of land Protect and restore the natural environment Provide a balanced transportation system Create vibrant places to work and live Encourage a strong local economy
2040 Plan: Transportation Street designs fit land use context Streets are retrofitted to include sidewalks and bikeways Street connectivity requirements allow easier walking and access to transit Frequent transit service provided on all major streets
How is it Working? Infill is occurring faster than expected, within UGB Transit ridership outpaced population growth and daily VMT VMT/person stabilizing Mixed use development is occurring across the region
How is it Working? CMAQ/STP funding
How is it Working? Light Rail Transit System
How is it Working? Transit 29th largest metro area with 13th largest annual transit ridership Transit eliminates 58 million vehicle trips/year 72% of riders have the choice of using a car 30% of riders are commuters; 22% use transit for recreation
How is it Working? VMT
How is it Working? Air Quality (8-hr ozone)
For more information… Metro 2040 Plan, “Creating Livable Streets,” and “Green Streets” on their website, region.orgwww.metro- Portland maintenance plan transportation control measures in conference handouts –1996 TCM –1996 TCM Substitution Policy –2004 TCM (update)